Most horror movies have the most predictable ending; the killer kills, the spirit is exorcised, or the evil cult gets what it wants and brings what it wants to Earth. That said, there are some fantastic horror movies that have the most perfect and unexpected endings, you’ll either be scared or shocked, or both in some cases.
That said, it’s fitting that 31 Days of Horror turns its attention to some of the most pitch-perfect horror endings cinema has to offer.
A staple of our 31 Days of Horror Ware so far, the first movie in the brutal, over-the-top horror franchise did a lot of good, especially on such a limited budget. Set mostly in one place, a dilapidated and abandoned bathroom God knows where, Adam and Lawrence find themselves trapped and with limited time to break free, lest they be trapped forever with the dead man in the middle of the room. . The film spins and spins between the two helping each other and discovering that they may be more connected than originally thought, while fleshing out Jigsaw’s mysterious killer and explaining his motives.
At the film’s climax, Lawrence makes the difficult decision to cut off his foot in an attempt to escape and help his kidnapped wife and child. Crawling, he promises Adam that he will return with help, leaving him alone and still chained. The perfect ending comes when we see that the supposedly dead man in the middle of the room isn’t actually dead, but the author of the whole storyline, Jigsaw himself. No one saw it coming and it was a perfect ending as subsequent films did their best to capture the same magic, but all failed.
Related: 31 Days Of Horror: 5 Horror Franchises That Went Down After The First Movie
For many, Alfred Hitchcock mastered the art of tense, suspenseful horror, and psychology characterizes this. Following the events of the mysterious Bates Motel, the film suddenly changes pace when the female protagonist is murdered in that famous shower scene.
The audience is led to believe that it is Bates’ mother who kills, but we are finally shown that we can’t be wrong anymore, when we see her mummified, corpse-bearing clothes being kept by Norman. In the film’s final scene, Norman stares into the camera with a creepy look and a creepy smile on his face, ensuring he’ll be in our thoughts for years to come.
A mysterious mist covers a city in the United States, containing supernatural horrors that prey on the poor inhabitants. Following a father and son as they do their best to survive, taking refuge in a supermarket with a group of other survivors, chaos ensues and they are forced to leave.
Driving as far as they can, the gas runs out and they’re stuck with a tough choice, try their luck in the fog and end up suffering a painful death, or use the weapon they have and suicide. They pick the latter, and as we hear the gunshots and count them, the camera pans back to the dad and the gun jams…it’s bad enough, but through the fog, we’re shown the American army in full force, saving the day. The father killed his family and new friends for nothing, leaving him alone with the horror of his actions. One of the few perfect and depressing horror endings to boot.
funny games
It’s not often that a director remakes his own foreign language film, but that’s exactly what happened when Michael Haneke took his 1997 Austrian language film and remade it for American audiences. , which made it possible to depress and shock a whole new group. of people.
Following two teenagers as they spend a day taunting and torturing a family of three with their twisted games for their own pleasure. The last twenty minutes of the film will take you everywhere, from making you think the nightmare is over, wondering if what you saw just happened to the child, and then realizing that none of the three survive like us. see the two teenagers nonchalantly toss the woman from a small boat into a lake with her hands and legs tied. Landing on a dock and knocking on a new door, the audience realizes that the two will be starting all over again for a new family.
The sixth sense
The film that launched M. Night Shyamalan’s career as a director and writer – or at least propelled him into the public eye – is also arguably the most famous twist in modern cinematic history, and certainly one of the perfect horror endings.
Bruce Willis is a child psychologist who does his best to help a young child played by Haley Joel Osment with his supernatural abilities, mainly that he can see dead people. Eventually, Willis’ character realizes that his new patient is telling the truth and that his abilities are real and not a symptom of an underlying mental issue.
In a twist that shocked audiences and became evident during a second rewatch, we learn that this supernatural ability is the very thing that allows the two to have a conversation, as Willis’ character is dead the entire movie, following the attack. suffered during a home invasion earlier in the film.
Related: Bruce Willis Agrees To Use His Face In Future With Deepfake After ‘Die Hard’ Actor Retires Due To Aphasia, Fans Say He Sold His Soul
There are so many horror movies out there and many of them have predictable and boring endings, but these are just five of the many horror endings that are near perfect. What other horror endings do you consider perfect?
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