‘It’s heaven! He’s got a sexuality’: Original Lois Lane actress Margot Kidder called Henry Cavill sexier than Christopher Reeve’s Superman

Superman has been the most renowned superhero for decades. Since the first Superman movie in 1948 until the latest in 2021, everyone adores and loves this favorite superhero of all time. Zack Snyder’s 2013 blockbuster Steel man gave Henry Cavill the opportunity to kiss the coat. And there’s no doubt that the witcher The star did the character justice by pushing him to his limits.

Margot Kidder
Margot Kidder

From 1975 to 1980, Superman’s Lois Lane and late actress Margot Kidder made significant contributions to the film. She worked closely with Christopher Reeves Superman, but she discovered something unique in Henry Cavill’s Superman! What was that?

Also Read: 9 Things That Still Hold From 1978’s Superman Today

Margot Kidder found Henry Cavill hotter than Christopher Reeve

Margot Kidder has appeared in four consecutive matches Superman movies alongside Christopher Reeve after being cast as Lois Lane. Even after leaving the franchise, she remained a fan of the famous character. Kidder liked Zack Snyder Superman cast. The Lois Lane actress was also seduced by Henry Cavill, better known as Superman.

Christopher Reeve as Superman in Superman (1978).
Christopher Reeve as Superman in Superman (1978).

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According to reports, Kidder shared his thoughts on Henry Cavill as Superman during an interview. “Oh my god it’s heaven” she claimed the witcher actor. The Superman The actress also compared him to Reeve and praised Cavill’s charisma.

“As wonderful as Christopher Reeve was, he was wonderful and perfect. He wasn’t exactly a big steaming pile of sexuality. And this Cavill really is. I loved him in The Tudors. I couldn’t get enough of him.

Margot Kidder had her breakthrough in the 1978 movie Superman. Her five-decade acting career was boosted by this superhero movie.

Margot Kidder Wasn’t a Fan of Henry Cavill’s Portrayal of Superman

The end Superman the star had high hopes for Cavill in Steel manbut she was not a fan of the way the Impossible mission star portrays Superman. She says, “I think the directors were good, the actors were good but the basic approach wasn’t there.”

Henry Cavill in the iconic black Superman suit
Henry Cavill in Superman’s iconic black suit in Snyder’s Cut

I think there was a cynical decision by the studios, which are now owned by multinational conglomerates, like almost everything else on the planet. So they would be making these artistic decisions by non-artists – guys would want to hit the millennial demographic because they’re basically about a quarter of the population.

Also Read: ‘All Purpose and Intent is Now in This New Era’: Did Dwayne Johnson’s Henry Cavill Superman Leak Just Confirm SnyderVerse is Officially Dead?

the old Superman The actress preferred Christopher Reeve’s version of Superman due to its interesting storyline, she considers Cavill’s version a weaker plot compared to the original. Every day new reports surface of Henry Cavill’s return as Superman to the DCEU, starting with the black adam post-credits scene, which releases October 21, 2022.

Source: ShowBiz

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