House of the Dragon makes the same mistakes as Game of Thrones

The prequel drama series based on George RR Martin’s book Fire & Blood, which explores the beginnings of the Targaryen dynasty and how their dynasty fell apart, is the start of several anticipated spin-offs. The show’s creators, Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, take advantage of the previously published topic. Although they guaranteed several shocks that may differ from the novel, the main aspects of the story should remain the same. This means that no shocking ending will leave viewers furious, with the team claiming to have a perfect strategy for the direction of the show.

However, fans only started hating Game of Thrones in the later seasons when the showrunners started writing their script instead of following the book. The show made a few changes that took away the Game of Thrones feeling, and House of the Dragon has already started making the same mistakes.

Game of Thrones has gone predictive in recent seasons

Danaerys Targaryen and Jon Snow in GoT Season 8

Danaerys Targaryen and Jon Snow in GoT Season 8

Do you remember the first season of Game of Thrones? For example, there were a lot more surprises than in the eighth season. Let’s see; the series opener showed the threat of the White Walkers in the series opener, which was a mystery element. Ned Stark being attacked by Jaime Lannister and finally losing his mind in the dreaded ninth episode was another completely unexpected example, proving that even the main characters can’t survive in this universe. Whereas in the later seasons (especially six, seven, and eight), the main characters are barely dead until the very last episodes of the series.

In season eight, Jon Snow and his team were stuck north of the wall, surrounded by white walkers with thin ice protecting them. Out of the blue, Danaerys comes on his dragon Viseryon, to the rescue. The “Even the hero can die” aspect of the Game of Thrones universe was lost because of this.

So how does House of the Dragon make this mistake?

Demon Targaryen at the Steptones

Demon Targaryen at the Steptones

In episode three of House of the Dragon, when Daemon Targaryen wanders around like a madman, fleeing the arrows and killing dozens of pirate warriors without any outside help, it gives a sense of his mortality. Daemon had two arrows inside him, but looking at the rain of arrows the pirates had fired, his chances of survival should have been slim.

Due to the massive and sudden time jumps, the audience cannot grow with the characters and connect deeply with them. However, now that George RR Martin is working closely with the House of Dragon team, the story will run smoothly. Let’s hope they stop mixing the orthodox Hollywood hero into House of the Dragon.

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