Cartoon Network Trolls Fans for Spreading Rumors of His Demise: ‘When You Learn About Your Death Via Twitter’

Cartoon Network has hosted several animated titles that have shaped the childhoods of many. For many, his presence is more than just child-centric entertainment. Series like Courage the Cowardly Dog, Looney Tunes, Chowder, We Bare Bears, Steven Universe, Tom & Jerry, Ben 10etc., have left a considerable influence in the hearts of the masses.

These efforts are not just cartoons. They also represent a nostalgic feeling that the audience can never forget.

Cartoon Network Studios
Cartoon Network Studios

Therefore, when speculations and rumors arose about the channel being shut down, fans of the channel and many of its shows were quick to express their disappointment. The whole internet fell into a frenzy. Then what happened next was hilarious, to say the least. It looks like the channel’s official Twitter account will now be busy following people for at least the next few days.

How did the Cartoon Network rumors originate?

It all started with news reports that detailed how the popular kids’ channel would merge with Warner Bros. Animation. This decision has to do with Warner Bros. Discovery’s “strategic shift” under CEO David Zaslav. An important aspect to note in this context is that despite the merger, Cartoon Network Studios and Warner Bros. will work individually.

Warner Bros Television.
Warner Bros Television.

Also read: ‘We’re not going anywhere’: Cartoon Network comes back from the dead and reveals it was all a misunderstanding after breaking millions of hearts

The hypes surrounding the issue started when the whole premise of the merger was misunderstood and carelessly sensationalized to create a buzz among the masses. Rumors of the channel’s death spread like wildfire, as many believed that HBO Max removing CN titles from their content library in August was just a premonition of what was to come. The #RIPCartoonNetwork hashtag started trending.

Additionally, staff layoffs made by Warner Bros. Television have proven to have fueled the fire of these fears.

Fortunately, some employees of Cartoon Network Studios as well as the official Twitter account of the children’s channel have helped to allay the qualms of the fans. The channel is certainly not dying, and the merger won’t hamper any of the shows currently in production.

Here’s the tweet that helped calm fans down:

Fans have nothing to fear. The chain may be old, but it’s not going anywhere. They are constantly working hard to bring new and better shows to audiences around the world. Through the tweet, they also ensured more exciting things were on the way. Therefore, the disappointment of Twitter users who contributed to the trend of the hashtag indicating the death of Cartoon Network has been addressed and everything has been resolved.

Studios Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network Studios

Also Read: Epic Cartoon Network Shows There Needs a Revival of Adult Swimming Like Samurai Jack

All’s well That ends well.

Well not really. CN’s Twitter account is now reaching out to trolling fans in the most hilarious way possible. It can be seen that they are not letting go of this incident anytime soon. The same goes for the people who turned the whole situation into a momentous occasion. Either way, this is a much better reality than the one initially envisioned and people panicked at.

Cartoon Network Trolls Fans After ‘Death’ Rumors

Fans get trolled by CN
Fans get trolled by CN

While there are still concerns over the layoff situation, it was mostly light-hearted maneuvering that happened on the kids channel’s official Twitter account. They posted a little clip from one of their shows, The Amazing World of Gumball, with the caption, “POV: when you learn of your death via Twitter”.


This post garnered humorous responses from the rest of the fans who responded with the following tweets:

Also Read: ‘They Just Shut Down CARTOON NETWORK STUDIOS’: Fans Crumble After Cartoon Network Merger With Warner Bros. Animation

It can be proven that the strategic realignment leads to various changes in the threshold of assets held by Warner Bros. Discovery. It would be interesting to see exactly how Cartoon Network Studios and Warner Bros. Animation end up working together after merging. While CN won’t shut down, it will have to realign under an agreement that both networks must move forward to prioritize content quality and entertainment.

Let’s see what happens.

Source: Twitter

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