The unexpected passing of Robbie Coltrane has been quite depressing news for the entertainment industry, let alone Harry Potter fans. His death, however, resurfaced an issue that’s been the bone of contention among fans of the fantasy series, and it’s gotten a little ugly.
For those who don’t know, JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter novels, has come under criticism from the LGBTQ community for being openly transphobic. This question has now been brought up again because one of Rowling’s strong supporters of her opinion was Coltrane himself, further dividing the fanbase.
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Here’s why Robbie Coltrane is reviled by the trans community.
Robbie Coltrane’s death saddened many in the theater industry, and of course he did, he was a legendary actor. The Cracker star, who was 72 at the time of his death, was a prominent figure in the film industry – landing roles in the Bond franchise and appearing on many popular British TV shows.
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But the late actor is not without controversy. When JK Rowling was accused of transphobia by trans activists in 2019, the Hagrid actor strongly supported the 57-year-old’s comments saying-
“I don’t think what she said was really offensive. “I don’t know why, but there’s a whole generation of people on Twitter hanging around waiting to be offended. They wouldn’t have won the war, would they?
“That’s me talking like a grumpy old man, but you just think, ‘Oh, get back in your place. Be wise, stand up straight and carry on.
Those words added a bad rap to Robbie Coltrane’s reputation, and he was shunned by the trans community and accused of being a transphobe/transphobe ever since.
Also Read: ‘You Can Choose Your House But Not Your Gender’: Hogwarts Legacy Reveals Players Can Choose Their Houses Like Harry Potter Instead Of Being Sorted, Fans Troll JK Rowling To Take Notes For Her Anti-Trans Stance
Trans activists celebrate the death of Robbie Coltrane
Robbie Coltrane’s death is truly saddening, but the trans community, as we explained above, hasn’t taken too well to Coltrane’s alliance with JK Rowling amid accusations against her of being transphobic. .
Related: Actual Quidditch Leagues Change Names To Quadball To Distance JK Rowling After Transphobic Comments
Instead, they took a keen interest in being online on Twitter to troll and rejoice upon hearing the news of Coltrane’s death, and Harry Potter fans are calling them-
Trans activists celebrate the death of Robbie Coltrane because he supported JK Rowling.
Calling Hagrid a transphobic fanatic who should “rest in the piss”. These people are vile.
—Dataracer (@Dataracer117) October 14, 2022
This user advises activists to touch the grass-
I really hope most of these accounts are just high school kids, because most normal adults get out of the “I hate this person because they’re friends with someone I don’t like” mentality.
Otherwise, they have to socialize in order to get real enemies that aren’t just online.
— Master Pimp Broda (@PimpMasterYoda1) October 14, 2022
Too bold? –
And they wonder why no one respects them…
— Leonardo Marques (@euoleomarques) October 14, 2022
Call them-
They always do that when someone dies. They are annoyingly predictable.
— The Bugle Daily (@TheBugleDaily1) October 14, 2022
This user asks them-
Do any of them preach “be nice”?
—Narkle (@Schmarkle) October 15, 2022
Harry Potter fans have been standing up for JK Rowling since she publicly voiced her views on the transgender community. Maybe it was too early to have a parade about Robbie Coltrane’s death, which we think was totally unnecessary.
Source: Twitter