This is how Otto and Alicent conspire against Rhaenyra

When King Viserys removed Otto Hightower from the King’s Hand position, he is shown leaving the Red Keep on his horse when interrupted by his daughter, Alicent. Otto then reveals his sinister plans go against King Viserys’ wish for Rhaenyra to be his heir and place his grandson Aegon II Targaryen on the Iron Throne. Alicent looks shocked to hear this; however, now that she has completely misunderstood Viserys’ last words, she is part of Team Otto (or Aegon).

Rhaenyra, on the other hand, married Daemon, who may have an eye on the thrones himself. We know this because when Rhaenyra first meets Daemon, he is shown sitting on the Iron Throne; coupled with his smirk when King Viserys says in his council meeting that Daemon does not seek the throne, gives his desire for it. Therefore, Rhaenyra can be left alone if she loses Daemon’s support when the Hightowers conspire to make Aegon King.

Otto Hightower started the conspiracy a long time ago

Otto Hightower is back as Hand of the King in House of the Dragon

Otto Hightower is back as Hand of the King in House of the Dragon

Rhaenyra is the only living offspring of Viserys, and Otto knows it. This is why shortly after the death of King Viserys’ wife, Otto sends his daughter, Alicent, to Viserys’ chambers to “keep her company”. Viserys ends up marrying Alicent, and viewers can’t miss Otto’s smiling face as he announces their marriage in this scene. Also, when Prince Aegon was born to Viserys and Alicent, Otto suggested that the king marry Rhaenyra with Aegon. In this way, Otto would have been closer in power with his grandson’s wife to Queen Rhaenyra. If all that wasn’t enough, as Viserys slowly died, Otto was keen to give him poppy milk, a mind-clouding pain reliever. He intentionally wanted it because Otto would speak for Viserys as the Hand of the King.

No Alicent, Viserys talks about Aegon the Conqueror

Viserys on his deathbed

Viserys on his deathbed

Just before he died, Viserys told Alicent Hightower about Aegon the Conqueror’s dream. He had dreamed of the threat of the White Walkers and the army of the dead who would march south whenever winter came. The Promised Prince will have to use the Cat’s Paw Dagger to kill the Night King, as seen in Game of Thrones Season Eight Episode Three when Arya kills him using the same dagger. In a dying state, he could not say his full name and only “Aegon”, causing Alicent to believe that Viserys wanted Alicent to place their son Aegon II Targaryen on the throne.

This will prove extremely problematic for Rhaenyra, as Viserys is dead and unable to further her claim to the throne. Also, she is a female offspring, whereas Aegon is the true son of the late King Viserys, so people are more likely to support him.

Who will side with Rhaenyra?

Rhaenyra and her family

Rhaenyra and her family

The Velaryon have always been friends with the Targaryens. However, Daemon publicly killed Lord Corlys’ brother, Vaemond Velaryon, because of the recent family disputes between the two houses. Lord Corlys was angry with King Viserys for not marrying his daughter. If that wasn’t enough, Rhaenyra raised bastard sons with Ser Harwin Strong while being married to Laenor Velaryon, Corlys’ son. This is a clear indication of the disrespect shown by Viserys, Rhaenyra, and Daemon, so it’s obvious that the Velaryon may choose to side with the crown, especially now that Viserys has a male heir.

Rhaenyra is pretty much alone with her sons, their dragons, and her own dragon Syrax. This is because Daemon can choose to go his own way in the future, but if he doesn’t, Rhaenyra still has a chance.

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