‘We kept talking about it and they kept saying no’: Black Adam Star The Rock Trashes Old WB Leadership Says They Didn’t Want Henry Cavill Returning As Superman

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s promise to usher in a new era for the DCEU seems to have brought fruitful, exciting, and sensational results. What once seemed like a dream is now reality, and fans couldn’t be more ecstatic. The current storyline, however, is the result of years and years of hard work, negotiations, and a constant attempt to listen to fans.

Black Adam Dwayne The Rock Johnson
Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam

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In a recent red carpet interview, one of the former professional wrestler’s statements sparked considerable interest. While people had their fair share of suspicions about the previous regime presiding over management decisions influencing the DCEU, The Rock’s claim seems to have cemented those beliefs.

How rock listened to fans

A Twitter user has drawn everyone’s attention to an interview clip involving the black adam star talks about the former leadership of Warner Bros. which prevented Henry Cavill’s now very confirmed cameo in the Dwayne Johnson star post-credits scene from happening. Looked:

Before we get into the premise of the old regime which, according to rumors and other statements, was too strict on various aspects of the DCEU and sometimes had to deal with management inconsistencies time and time again, let’s first emphasize the importance that The Rock has put forward when it comes to listening to the public. In this interview, the actor said the inclusion of Cavill as Superman serves the narrative of the entire DC Universe and also “take care of the fans.

It can be seen, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Jumanji alum is known for having his fans inspire, motivate and guide him. Likewise, the former WWE sensation, a lifelong fan of DC comics himself, must have known and immediately recognized the vitality of hearing fan wishes and adhering to those demands.

Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson at black adam first

Also Read: ‘We All Fought For This…Welcome Home’: The Rock Welcomes Henry Cavill Back to DCEU After 9 Years in Black Adam Igniting Hopes For Man of Steel 2

In various other interviews, The Rock kept saying that he knew, throughout those years, that fans were hurting; their demands were always unfulfilled and the desire to see their favorite stars return to their stipulated roles tormented their hearts. It was negligence that led the Baywatch actor to incorporate elements into black adam it would not only make the movie entertaining, but also fulfill the aspirations of fans who have long been advocating for Henry Cavill’s return.

Needless to say, the Hollywood stalwart has managed to win over the otherwise ignored fans who have long campaigned for the return of Cavill’s Superman.

The Rock took a subtle dig at the old Warner Bros. regime.

The Old WB Regime Didn't Want Henry Cavill's Black Adam Cameo
The old World Bank regime didn’t want Henry Cavill black adam cameo

In the same clip, Johnson continued to elaborate on the significance of Superman’s confirmed arrival which opened the doors to limitless possibilities. it helps both black adam and the largest expanse of the vast DCEU. Here is what he had to say:

“I think it serves not just Black Adam but the entire DC Universe… Phone calls, meetings… But, man, that was years. It took six years to achieve this. I will say it again six years we started talking about it and they kept saying no.

As the statement above confirms, the whole process was extremely long. Most of the time, this resulted in severe and continuous rejections, presumably under the control of the former DC Films Board. It took years of negotiations, phone calls and meetings for the story to happen. While The Rock featured black adam ushers in a new era for the DCEU, it also seems to do justice to the past.

Therefore, it can be said that the efforts of the former professional wrestler led to greater and more successful results.

David Zaslav
David Zaslav, CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery

Also Read: ‘Black Adam’s Ending Is a New Era’: Dwayne Johnson Hints Black Adam’s Ending Will Change DCEU Forever

The Rock also seems to have acknowledged that the current direction and oversight of CEO David Zaslav is likely the reason behind the smooth narrative and business choices. As Johnson states:

“This leadership [the old one] not here anymore. We are ushering in a new era of the DC Universe.

If a simple diet change could have enabled Dwayne Johnson to realize such a formidable possibility, one can only imagine what else might happen in the years to come. It looks like Zaslav’s 10-year plan for DCEU could end up paralleling MCU.

Nonetheless, for now, fans can continue to express their excitement over Cavill’s highly anticipated return to the franchise, which has freed his ever so iconic character from the limbo he’s seemed to be in for some time now.

The future of DCEU is exciting. People are eager to see how it unfolds.

black adamstarring The Rock as the titular antihero, hits theaters October 20, 2022.

Source: Twitter

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