The first Marvel Studios-produced Disney+ series, “Wanda-Vision,” debuted in January 2021. It was the studio’s first production to make a significant impact on the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe. The series followed Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) as she tried to come to terms with the loss of her lover, Vision, after the events of “Avengers: Endgame” (Paul Bettany).
For many fans, Hahn’s portrayal of Agatha Harkness dominated the series. So it probably came as a bit of a shock when sources revealed in October 2021 – much to the delight of her fans – that she would be getting her own spin-off show with Hahn reprising her role. We finally got some positive news in July 2022 during the Marvel Studios panel at Comic-Con. There “Agatha: Chaos CovenThe TV series is set to premiere on streaming services in winter 2023.
Place Aubrey
Aubrey Plaza has reportedly been cast by Marvel Studios in a secret role for the planned Agatha: Coven of Chaos series.
Plaza, who gained notoriety for portraying April Ludgate on NBC’s Parks & Recreation, will appear in this superhero genre for the first time. She recently had a small role as Harper Spiller in the critically acclaimed film White Lotus.
While there are no character details for Plaza, it is stated that she plays a role in “a group of supporting female characters.”
According to reports, Agatha: Coven of Chaos will begin filming for a few weeks in December before the rest of production takes place from January 2023 until early summer.
Last year, Jac Schaefer was officially tapped to develop and executive produce Agatha: Coven of Chaos, just as she did for Wanda-Vision. The fact that the series features Plaza, Hahn and Joe Locke in addition to Emma Caulfield Ford, who portrayed Westview native Dottie on Wanda-Vision, indicates that at least some of the episodes will be set in the beautiful suburban New Jersey community.