Cregan Stark In HOTD Season 2 Will Make Ned Stark Look Like An Idiot

House Stark will arrive in Season 2 of House of the Dragon, with Jacaerys Velaryon traveling to Winterfell to speak with Lord Cregan Stark. When it comes to the ruling dynasty of the North, House of the Dragon pitted House Stark similar to Game of Thrones. While Game of Thrones was primarily concerned with the lives and (sometimes dire) circumstances of the Starks, they were almost entirely absent from the prequel, save for a brief appearance by Lord Rickon Stark in Episode 1. Decades later, House Stark is ready to make a bigger impact on the world.

Ned Stark, in Game of Thrones, always said, “He who pronounces sentence must swing the sword”, and Cregan Stark, who will be introduced in the second season of House of the Dragon, will certainly live up to those words. . He wields the same Valyrian Steel sword that Ned Stark used in Game of Thrones, called “Ice”, and will put it to good use. This is how Cregan Stark will be an amplified version of Ned stark in House of the Dragon season 2.

Cregan Stark gives harsher punishments than Ned Stark

Ned Stark executes a deserter from The Night's Watch in Game of Thrones

Ned Stark executes a deserter from The Night’s Watch in Game of Thrones

Before you start reading about Cregan Stark’s Chopped Head Collection, remember that this article contains major spoilers from George RR Martin’s book Fire & Blood, which would form the stories not only for House of the Dragon season 2 , but of all subsequent seasons to come.

We know Lucerys Velaryon was sent to Storm’s End to chat with Borros Baratheon, while at the same time Jacaerys Velaryon was sent to Cregan Stark. Jace, Rhaenyra’s eldest son, will enter into diplomatic talks with the brutal Cregan Stark, winning him over to Rhaenyra’s cause. His expedition is of course successful, as Cregan Stark joins his forces with the Blacks. It would be quite interesting to see how the conversation between Jacaerys and Cregan goes, as Cregan won’t take Jace’s words at face value, but will break down his statements logically until he’s sure what Jace is saying is true, and Aegon II Targaryen has usurped the Iron Throne.

Cregan Stark will play an important role in the House of the Dragon saga near the end of Dance of the Dragons, or the second season of House of the Dragon. Appearing in King’s Landing after most of the violence has stopped and King Aegon II Targaryen has been assassinated, he begins to clean up the mess, which includes authorizing a large number of executions. Cregan takes the lead and demands retaliation for those who betrayed not only Queen Rhaenyra, but also the Greens, who turned against King Aegon near the end.

Cregan Stark falls in love… with murder

Cregan Stark and Alysanne Blackwood (representation of Fire & Blood)

Cregan Stark and Alysanne Blackwood (representation of Fire & Blood)

All joking aside, Cregan Stark falls in love with a young girl named Alysanne Blackwood, who persuaded Cregan to execute Lord Corlys Velaryon due to his betrayal of Queen Rhaenyra. Aegon the Younger, the son of Rhaenyra and Daemon, who would later become the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms, also persuades Cregan Stark to add Corlys’s head to his collection of severed heads.

In the Fire & Blood book, what stops Cregan from cruelly killing 20 people is that they choose to join Night’s Watch for their crimes, meaning he reluctantly allows them to do so. Cregan eventually murders two key people; Ser Larys Strong and Ser Gyles Belgrave, but if things went according to him he would have killed many more, a stark contrast to Ned.

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