Angelina Jolie in Spider-Man 4? Actress nearly played Vulture’s Daughter before cancellation

Angelina Jolie was almost a key element in Sam Raimi’s ill-fated Spider-Man 4. various cinematic escapades.

According to the storyline, the flying villain is killed by the results of his crimes, inspiring the unidentified Jolie character to wear her own set of wings and become Vultress. Toomes’ daughter, a new character designed for Spider-Man 4, was reportedly a successful executive for the venture capital firm trying to acquire the Daily Bugle.

What would Spider-Man 4 have looked like?

According to reports from The Direct, it’s unlikely Jolie’s villainous avatar simply donned a costume. For his part, Sam Raimi wanted to give Adrian Toomes a more contemporary look than he often had in the comics. The villain’s outfit resembled this in several ways, such as the fact that his wing feathers could be flipped like knives.

The Vulture Spider-Man 4 |  nerd wiki


The filmmaker was also looking for a terrifying moment for the character, on par with Doc Ock’s climactic hospital scene. In this case, the fight scene would have taken place in a library, when henchmen were sent to eliminate the Vulture.

Storyboard artist Jeffrey Henderson said the villain got his nickname because he left nothing behind but bones:

“He was basically a guy who did a lot of ugly stuff for the government, did a lot of ugly stuff as a private contractor… I thought a smart thing to do would be to say that part of the reason why they called him The Vulture because when he was done he left nothing but bones.

Henderson went on to detail how Vulture nearly succeeded in killing Spider-Man, but was ultimately undone by Peter’s heroic effort:

“They were going to have a big fight over everything, where Vulture almost kills Spider-Man. And then Spider-Man at the last minute – he’s really hurt, he’s bleeding really badly, he’s in real trouble – Peter finally, almost in reaction, forces the Vulture to leave. When he does, he breaks some of the wing things, so he ends up falling into the ether, from the top of the Citicorp building. That’s what brings him in.

Why was Spider-Man 4 canceled?

Sony canceled Tobey Maguire’s fourth film in the franchise after Spider-Man 3 received poor reviews because director Sam Raimi said he was unable to direct it. Many believe the director’s dissatisfaction with the series stems from the studio’s interference in the third frame, which led Sony to cast a new director and star in the upcoming Spider-Man remake in 2012.

If everything had worked out, Angelina Jolie’s Vultress could have been one of the recurring villains in Spider-Man: No Way Home. And if Tobey Maguire’s Spidey movies had been better, his Spider-Man might have been brought back for future sequels. It would have further meant there would be no Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man movies and ultimately no box office crushing Tom Holland’s Spider-Man movies.

Although Angelina Jolie in Spider-Man 4 never arrived, she entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2021 with the release of Eternals. Although she has no plans to return, Jolie’s presence in the mcu has made a huge difference to the talent repertoire that Marvel Studios entails.

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