Needless to say, there are major spoilers for House of the Dragon in this article. Just one major plot was spoiled by Shireen in Game of Thrones season 5, Joffrey spoiled another one earlier about Rhaenyra Targaryen. In Game of Thrones season three, Joffrey Lannister (or Baratheon, if you don’t want to get your head on a spike) spoiled House of the Dragon for fans. Rhaenyra Targaryen is an all-time favorite of House of the Dragon fans, so here’s a warning: you WILL be exposed to spoilers regarding Rhaenyra Targaryen in this article.
Even if you’ve watched Game of Thrones before, you might have missed that little scene in which Joffrey tells his fiancée Margery Tyrell about Rhaenyra Targaryen’s death. Because every aspect of House of the Dragon takes place roughly 150-200 years before Game of Thrones, the whole series is essentially one big spoiler. In other words, we already understand what will happen in House of the Dragon, as well as the death of Rhaenyra Targaryen.
So, if you’re interested in spoiler-rich content, read on.
Joffrey says this to Margery about Rhaenyra Targaryen

Joffrey Baratheon and Margery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
Rhaenyra Targaryen’s death is revealed in Season 3, Episode 4 titled “And Now Her Watch Is Over”, when Joffrey “Lannister” Baratheon, an abnormal result of incest, not-so-shockingly discovers that Rhaenyra is eaten. by his own dragon while his child watched, funny. He is shown smirking while Margery Tyrell, his future wife, fake smiles and looks at Joffrey like the psychopath he is.
In the episode, Joffrey showed Margery around the Royal Sept in the red keep where the crypt was. It’s during the show-around, trying to win Margery’s heart by telling her horror stories, Joffrey spoils House of the Dragon for us. In the episode of Game of Thrones, Joffrey says:
“Rhaenyra Targaryen was murdered by her brother, or rather her dragon. He ate it while his son watched. What’s left of her is buried in the crypts just below.
Look how sickly Joffrey spoils Rhaenyra’s death which will supposedly be shown in House of the Dragon later:
How Rhaenyra Targaryen Dies in the Fire & Blood Book

Rhaenyra Targaryen in a photo from the House of the Dragon season finale
According to the “Fire & Blood” narrative, Joffrey refers to Aegon II Targaryen, the firstborn of Alicent and King Viserys I, Rhaenyra’s father, making Aegon II her half-brother. Aegon II Targaryen is a key figure in the Targaryen dynastic conflict known as the “Dance of the Dragons”. During the war, Aegon II and Rhaenyra dispute the kingdom of their Viserys.
There is however good news for fans who support Rhaenyra; she finds herself on the Iron Thrones… for about two minutes. King’s Landing was in huge turmoil when Rhaenyra took the throne, and riots erupted when Princess Helaena (spoiler alert) took her own life. Following this, Rhaenyra flees to Dragonstone, where she is surprised by her half-brother Aegon II Targaryen. She makes the mistake of provoking Aegon II by saying, “Dear brother. I had hoped you were dead”, as his first words to him. It was then that Aegon II ordered his dragon Sunfyre to kill and eat Rhaenyra in front of his only living son, Aegon The Younger.
Yes, it was brutal and definitely no laughing matter like Joffrey did in Game of Thrones Season 3. If you didn’t already hate Joffrey, you do now.