House of the Dragon Season 1 revealed five distinct characters who will rule the Iron Throne later in the series. In House of the Dragon, the battle for the Iron Throne has begun, as brother and sister divide the land to show who is the true heir of King Viserys I Targaryen. Viserys had reigned on the Iron Throne for the previous 30 years until his death sparked a civil war involving his designated heir Rhaenyra Targaryen and his eldest son Aegon II Targaryen. The conflict could be between Rhaenyra and Aegon II, but they won’t be the only ones sitting on the Iron Throne.
The Iron Throne seems to be everyone’s favorite chair. So far we’ve seen King Viserys sit on the throne (appropriately), however, the first person who was shown sitting on the Iron Throne, briefly, was King Jahaerys Targaryen. Additionally, of the characters who play a significant role in shaping House of the Dragon’s story, Daemon Targaryen would be the first to be shown seated on the throne, but he rightfully didn’t, unlike his eldest brother, King Viserys. Me Targaryen.
So aside from Viserys and his eldest son (who lived more than a day), Aegon II, who now sits on the throne, and King Viserys himself, who will all sit on the throne in later seasons of House of the Dragon? Well, going through the book, we’ve identified five such characters, with the exception of Jahaerys.
Viserys I Targaryen

King Viserys I Targaryen in an image from House of the Dragon
Of course, we were shown in the opening sequence of the series that Viserys I was named heir after King Jaharys passed away. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, who was Jahaerys’ closest relative, was not chosen as heir because she was female.
Thus, Viserys sits on the Iron Throne and names his eldest daughter, Rhaenyra Targaryen as heir. However, when he dies, he rants about Aegon the Conqueror’s dream, and Alicent Hightower misunderstands him and thinks he wanted their eldest son, Aegon II, to be his heir.
Aegon II Targaryen

Aegon II as King of the Seven Kingdoms
We’ve all seen how shortly after Viserys’ death, Otto Hightower and his team conspired to place Aegon II as king. While Alice’s misunderstanding of Viserys’ words was certainly helpful, Otto would have placed Aegon as king anyway.
Aegon II didn’t want to be king until he liked people cheering him on. Now it seems he loved fame and vanity more than ruling and keeping his wives safe. Anyway, later in the story, he is badly injured when he tries to ambush Rhaenys Targaryen with his brother Aemond Targaryen. Aegon II is bedridden after this, and his brother Aemond, who wants to be king, sits on the Iron Throne in Aegon’s place.
Aemond ‘One-Eye’ Targaryen

Aemond Targaryen on his dragon Vhagar in the HOTD season 1 finale
Throughout the first year of the Dance of the Dragons, King Aegon II Targaryen is incapacitated and his brother Prince Aemond Targaryen rules on the Iron Throne in his place. As Aemond never becomes king, he remains on the Iron Throne and wears the crown of Aegon the Conqueror as Prince Regent. Considering Aemond said in House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 9 that he was considerably better suited to the Iron Throne than Aegon, we can guess that Aemond would actively run things on the council.
However, Aemond temporarily leaves King’s Landing as he had to leave for Harrenhal. Taking advantage of this situation, Rhaenyra and Daemon travel to King’s Landing and take the Iron Throne.
Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra Targaryen named heir to the Iron Throne
After nearly three decades of patience, Rhaenyra finally sits on her father’s throne roughly halfway through the Targaryen Civil War. Rhaenyra’s placement on the throne will most likely take place after House of the Dragon Season 2. Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen reigns on the Iron Throne for about six months before leaving King’s Landing due to deadly unrest in the city and the sad capture of Dragonpit. Rhaenyra discovers that King Aegon has been hiding in Dragonstone throughout his reign at King’s Landing. After Aegon orders his dragon Sunfyre to kill and eat Rhaneyra.according to the book Fire & Blood by George RR Martin.
Aegon “The Younger” Targaryen

Rhaenyra and Daemon Aegon III Targaryen’s son in House of the Dragon
In Season 1 Episode 8 of House of the Dragon, Aegon II Targaryen was introduced by Rhaenyra and Daemon, to the dying King Viserys. Nicknamed Aegon The Younger (back to Aegon The Conqueror), the ten-year-old king inherited the Iron Throne in mid-131 AD.
Aegon III’s coronation would likely be the final event in House of the Dragon, so the series will end on the note that Black people have won the Civil War. Is Aegon II trying to take back the throne? Well, let’s not spoil Aegon II’s story in Aegon III’s story about the legacy of the Iron Throne. Let’s just say Aegon II “is gone”.