Vivo Tonic Reviews – Should You Buy VivoTonic or Side Effects Risk?

Vivo Tonic is a blood sugar support formula marketed to diabetics who want to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

By taking two capsules of Vivo Tonic daily, you can give your body a blend of ingredients like berberine, silymarin, and banaba leaf to support healthy blood sugar from the inside out.

Does Vivo Tonic live up to the hype? How does Vivo Tonic work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Vivo Tonic and its effectiveness today in our review.

What is Vivo Tonic?

Vivo Tonic is a blood sugar support supplement advertised as part of a daily morning ritual for diabetics.

According to the official Vivo Tonic website, thousands of diabetics around the world take a specific blend of herbs and nutrients each morning that “immediately slashes their blood sugar levels to 118” and keeps those levels steady all day long, regardless of their diet.

By taking two capsules of Vivo Tonic daily, diabetics could enjoy similar results. The supplement features a blend of natural ingredients to support healthy blood sugar levels. All ingredients were recommended by a monk in Nepal who lives at a monastery where nobody has diabetes.

Vivo Tonic is available exclusively online through, where it’s priced at $79 per bottle.

Vivo Tonic Benefits

According to the official website, Vivo Tonic can reverse diabetes, lower blood sugar, help you stop taking medication, allow you to throw away your test strips, and eat whatever you like without worrying about blood sugar.

  • Permanently reverse type 2 diabetes
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Help you stop taking doctor-prescribed diabetes medication
  • Stop testing yourself with test strips
  • Eat whatever you like without consequence
  • Reduce your risk of kidney failure, nerve damage, blindness, and foot amputation

How Does Vivo Tonic Work?

Many diabetes supplements simply claim to support healthy blood sugar or help manage symptoms of diabetes. However, Vivo Tonic specifically claims to “heal your type 2 diabetes” as part of a simple, morning ritual.

To do that, Vivo Tonic contains a blend of ingredients that work in different ways to lower blood sugar, promote healthy circulation, support healthy inflammation, and ultimately reverse your condition.

One of the ingredients in Vivo Tonic automatically lowers the glycemic index of any food you eat, for example, by slowing the rate at which your body digests it. This means your blood sugar levels spike less after a meal.

Other ingredients promote healthy blood flow or healthy inflammation – say, using natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules.

By taking all of these ingredients daily, diabetics can purportedly lower blood sugar levels significantly – often within just “weeks” of taking the supplement for the first time. In fact, one woman claims to have lowered her blood sugar from 605 mg/dl to 120 mg/dl using Vivo Tonic.

Try Vivo Tonic today and see the difference for yourself!

Who Created Vivo Tonic?

Vivo Tonic was created by a man named Michael Dempsey who watched his wife, Rose, struggle with type 2 diabetes. Rose developed diabetes complications so severe that she entered a diabetic coma.

Michael and Rose live in a small town in West Virginia. He and Rose have three kids.

In her teens, Rose was an all-star track champion. She gained a little weight over the years. One day, in her 40s, Rose’s doctor diagnosed her with type 2 diabetes. Doctors prescribed medication and recommended diet and exercise to manage the condition.

To make a long story short, Rose and Michael ignored the doctor’s advice and started to research natural cures for diabetes instead.

Michael stumbled upon a secret remedy from a mountain village in Asia. That village had low rates of diabetes and other health complications. Michael identified some of the remedies used in that village, put them in a formula, called it Vivo Tonic, and gave it to Rose.

After taking Vivo Tonic, Rose “recovered from her sudden diabetic coma, slashed her cholesterol levels by more than 70% and got rid of all the extra fat she carried around her belly.”

Rose achieved these effects without taking prescription medication, dieting, or exercising. After seeing her test results, Rose’s doctor told her to stop taking her medication.

Michael also claims his “blood sugar levels have remained way below 140 for months” because of Vivo Tonic.

Motivated by their successful reversal of type 2 diabetes using Vivo Tonic, Michael and Rose decided to share the formula with the world. Today, anyone can buy Vivo Tonic online to enjoy similarly powerful benefits.

Vivo Tonic Lowered Rose’s Blood Sugar from 604 to 120 mg/dl

Michael and Rose were motivated to share Vivo Tonic with the world after the supplement helped Rose recover after her diabetic coma.

It was the morning of their daughter’s wedding. Rose, who had recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and had been struggling with type 2 diabetes for years, wasn’t feeling great – but she decided to push through, determined not to spoil her daughter’s big day.

Suddenly, in the middle of the ceremony, Rose’s eyes rolled into the back of her heard and she collapsed. Rose entered a diabetic coma and was rushed to hospital.

At the hospital, doctors told Michael his wife’s blood sugar was at “605 milligrams per deciliter” and she had diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome, which is caused by extremely high blood sugar levels. She was also “partially paralyzed.” Doctors weren’t sure if she would die in the diabetic coma or survive. They also weren’t sure if she would ever walk again.

After seeing Rose near-death in a diabetic coma, Michael made a promise: he was going to cure his wife’s type 2 diabetes no matter what it took.

Michael Met a Nepalese Monk With a Science-Backed Remedy for Type 2 Diabetes

Rose recovered from her diabetic coma and left the hospital. However, she returned regularly for a checkup. One day, while in the hospital waiting room, Michael met the man who would help reverse Rose’s condition permanently.

Here’s how Michael describes the encounter:

“…an elderly man holding some strange prayer beads with golden tassels, sat down beside me…The man’s name was Nymla and, as it turned out, he was a healing monk from a remote monastery near Kathmandu, Nepal.”

Nymla had studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 30 years ago on a scholarship. Then, he returned back to his home country. He visited the United States regularly to share his research and discover new cures. This was one such trip.

Nymla told Michael that type 2 diabetes does not exist in his homeland, then recommended a specific blend of herbs to permanently cure Rose’s condition:

“I come from a place where type 2 diabetes doesn’t even exist…And it’s because of the food we eat and the healing plants and herbs we’ve used for centuries to keep us healthy and strong.”

Nymla told Michael he could not reveal the recipe upfront. Instead, Michael and Rose needed to visit his monastery in Nepal. Within a week, Michael and Rose were on a plane to Kathmandu. It took two days to reach Nymla’s secluded monastery, where he finally revealed the ingredients behind his cure for type 2 diabetes.

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Tibetan Monk Recipe Reverses Rose’s Type 2 Diabetes Using Herbs and Plants

To make a long story short, Nymla told Michael and Rose about a 3,000-year old recipe passed from one generation to another, and Rose used that recipe to reverse her condition.

That recipe was the reason monks in Nepal had never heard of type 2 diabetes, worried about blood sugar, or taken insulin – despite lacking access to modern medicine. There were no cases of type 2 diabetes in the community.

Nymla told Michael the specific ingredients used in the recipe – including plants sourced from the Himalayas and herbs sourced from other parts of the world.

After Michael gave the recipe to Rose, Rose made a rapid recovery.

What to Expect After Taking Vivo Tonic: Rose’s Experience

The official Vivo Tonic website tells the story of Rose, a type 2 diabetic with a condition so severe, she had entered a diabetic coma with a blood sugar reading of 605 mg/dl. Despite the severity of her condition, Rose rapidly reversed her diabetes, stopped taking her medication, and continued to eat whatever she liked after taking Vivo Tonic.

Here’s what Rose experienced after taking Vivo Tonic, according to the official website:

Rose started to follow the exact protocol Nymla recommended. After 2 or 3 days, there was no improvement in Rose’s condition. Michael and Rose became skeptical.

Then, “a miracle happened,” according to Michael. She woke up on a crisp fall morning. She hadn’t eaten for 8 hours, and she tested her fasting blood sugar. It had “dropped by almost 50 points.” Michael and Rose couldn’t believe it.

Shortly after, Rose’s blood sugar levels continued to fall, dropping from 500 to 427 to 365 to 310 to 260.

Eventually, Rose’s blood sugar reached a safe and healthy reading of 120.

Rose also lost 36.5lbs during this process. She slept better. She no longer had aches and pains in her legs.

Rose visited her doctor to confirm her improved health. The doctor found her cholesterol and blood pressure levels had dropped into a normal range “for the first time in 5 years” after taking Vivo Tonic.

In fact, Rose’s doctor told Rose that, if things continued at the same pace, she could stop taking any medication.

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Vivo Tonic Ingredients

Vivo Tonic contains a blend of herbs, plants, and nutrients linked to healthy blood sugar. Some have a long history of use in traditional medicine. Others are backed by modern research. All of the ingredients, however, are used by Tibetan monks to eliminate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place.

Here are all of the ingredients in Vivo Tonic and how they work, according to Michael and the official Vivo Tonic website:

Banaba Leaf: Michael describes banaba leaf, or “jarul” as a “big reason why they’re [Tibetan monks in Nymla’s community] practically immune to type 2 diabetes.” according to his research, banaba plays an essential role in regulating blood sugar. It works by slowing the digestive process to reduce the impact of carb-heavy or sugary meals, automatically lowering the glycemic index of any food you eat. This can keep blood sugar levels stable long after you eat.

Ginseng: Ginseng is a common household spice used by Nepalese monks that can reduce fasting blood glucose by 29%, according to the official Vivo Tonic website. Another study showed that same spice normalized blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics by improving the body’s ability to respond to insulin. Another study found taking 1,000mg of this spice per day could “treat type 2 diabetes” – not manage the condition.

Corosolic Acid: Corosolic acid is a naturally-derived ingredient filled with ingredients to optimize blood sugar and overall health. It’s the active ingredient in the first listed ingredient on our list, banaba leaf, although it’s listed as a separate ingredient on the Vivo Tonic website.

Silymarin: Silymarin is a natural molecule within the milk thistle plant. Traditionally used as medicine, the milk thistle plant is backed by modern science showing it supports liver health. Today, many people take silymarin daily for liver health. Others take it for blood glucose control. Although it’s best-known for its ability to support the liver, Michael and his team added silymarin to the formula to help control normal levels of blood glucose.

Berberine: Berberine has a long history of use by traditional healers in the Middle East, India, and China. Backed by 400 years of use, berberine has made a comeback in diabetes supplements. According to Michael and his team, many “specialists recommend berberine to support blood sugar levels naturally.”

Green Tea Leaf: Green tea leaf is one of the most popular supplement ingredients in the world today. It’s found in weight loss supplements, energy boosters, and diabetes formulas, among other supplements. Green tea leaf works because it’s packed with natural antioxidants – including polyphenols and catechins like EGCG. EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, can support metabolism and immune function. Many diabetics have higher levels of inflammation, and antioxidant-rich herbs could help.

Resveratrol: Vivo Tonic contains resveratrol and cayenne pepper to help normalize blood pressure and support healthy blood flow. Found in grapes and wine, resveratrol is a natural antioxidant linked to anti-aging effects. You would need to drink many bottles of wine – and hundreds of pounds of grapes – to get the same dose of resveratrol in one serving of Vivo Tonic.

Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a molecule linked to spiciness. Like resveratrol, cayenne can purportedly “help normalize blood pressure and support a healthy blood flow.” Many diabetics struggle with blood flow issues and blood pressure, which is why cayenne pepper could be valuable.

Zinc: Vivo Tonic contains zinc to support healthy levels of fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. 40% of Americans don’t get their recommended daily intake of zinc. That deficiency can impact hormones, metabolism, energy, and blood sugar.

Also Read: Best Zinc Supplements (2023)

Chromium: Chromium may be the most important mineral supplement for diabetics to take. Many doctors recommend taking a chromium supplement to support healthy blood sugar. The makers of Vivo Tonic describe chromium as a “biologically-active compound” that’s crucial for supporting insulin activity all day long.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant molecule found naturally in broccoli, spinach, and certain other vegetables. It can support healthy vision and promote healthy inflammation throughout the body.

According to Michael, all of the ingredients in Nymla’s list “had been proven in clinical studies to lower blood sugar quickly and easily.” Some even worked within just two weeks. The reason we’ve never heard of these ingredients is because big pharmaceutical companies have suppressed the natural remedies to protect the $30 billion diabetes drug industry.

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Scientific Evidence for Vivo Tonic

Michael knew Vivo Tonic worked on Rose, rapidly lowering her blood sugar and improved her overall health. However, Michael wanted to test the formula on a group of other people with type 2 diabetes to confirm it worked.

So Michael gathered a group of test subjects and conducted a test. Here’s how the test worked:

Michael posted a series of advertisements on the internet asking for volunteers.

Michael received responses from a total of 106 people, including people with type 2 diabetes at multiple stages and some people with pre-diabetes. The group ranged from people in their 20s to people in their 90s. All of these people were sick and tired of managing their diabetes.

According to Michael, 98% of test subjects “achieved a dramatic drop in their blood sugar levels” after taking Vivo Tonic. Their blood sugar levels were “completely stable and healthy” after just “a few weeks.”

Patients also lost weight, improved blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, healed nerve damage, improved cognition, and even improved vision.

After the successful clinical trial, Michael started to receive calls from all over the world from people who also wanted to permanently reverse their type 2 diabetes. Michael decided to sell Vivo Tonic to the world.

A 2012 study found corosolic acid, one of the active ingredients in banaba leaf, could help manage diabetes and related complications. Researchers found banaba had natural hypoglycemic effects because of the corosolic acid and ellagitannins naturally present in the plant.

According to Mount Sinai, several studies suggest alpha lipoic acid “helps lower blood sugar levels.” Some studies also show ALA can kill free radicals associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Overall, Vivo Tonic contains a blend of natural ingredients linked to blood sugar support and healthy inflammation, and the supplement, according to the website, is backed by a clinical trial involving 100+ people with a 98% success rate, making it one of the most successful studies in diabetes supplement history.

Also Read: Best Diabetes Medication Alternatives in 2023

Vivo Tonic Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Vivo Tonic is backed by strong reviews from diabetics around the world. In fact, according to the official website, more than 74,000 people worldwide have used Vivo Tonic to reduce blood sugar, reverse diabetes, and enjoy other powerful effects without dieting, exercising, following their doctor’s recommended treatment program, or taking prescription diabetes medication.

Read what people are saying about Vivo Tonic! >>>

Here are some of the diabetics who claim to have effectively cured their condition using Vivo Tonic, according to the official website:

Christine M from Seattle heard about Vivo Tonic from a friend. Her doctor had always prescribed insulin shots and pills to manage her condition. However, she ignored her doctor’s advice. Today, thanks to Vivo Tonic, she is “basically 100% type 2 diabetes free.” She no longer uses test strips, and she claims her “nightmare is finally over” She can eat a full chocolate cake without worrying about her blood sugar.

Michael B from Syracuse always believed there was a way to reverse type 2 diabetes. Today, thanks to Vivo Tonic, his glycemic index is “absolutely perfect” because of the supplement. Michael’s doctor even tested him to confirm the reversal of his condition. Because of Vivo Tonic, Michael claims he “no longer need[s] to take any drugs” for his diabetes.

Vivo Tonic has endorsements from professors and diabetes researchers. One professor who specializes in diabetes research, Michael Steinberg, claims the “scientific evidence is undeniable” behind Vivo Tonic. In fact, Michael claims he has spent the last two years testing Vivo Tonic “on multiple control groups” to verify it reverses diabetes. Because of these results, he recommends Vivo Tonic to anyone who wants to lower blood sugar and improve their overall health.

According to the official website, Vivo Tonic “could keep you healthy for decades to come” and could even “add years to your life.” Statistically, diabetics tend to have shorter lifespans than healthy adults. However, Vivo Tonic claims to reverse your diabetes to make these concerns a thing of the past.

Rose, whose husband Michael develop Vivo Tonic, lowered her blood sugar from 605 mg/dl to 120 mg/dl shortly after taking Vivo Tonic. She used the supplement while recovering from a diabetic coma. She also lost around 30lbs of fat while taking Vivo Tonic.

Overall, there are few reviews for Vivo Tonic outside of the official website. However, the official website is filled with testimonials from diabetics who appear to have reversed their medication, stopped following their doctor-recommended treatment plan, and thrown away their diabetes medication and test strips after taking Vivo Tonic.

Vivo Tonic Pricing

Vivo Tonic Pricing

Vivo Tonic is priced at $79 per bottle. However, the price drops when ordering multiple bottles.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Vivo Tonic online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $79 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $207 ($69 Per Bottle) + Shipping + 3 Free Bonus eBooks
  • 6 Bottles: $354 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free US Shipping + 3 Free Bonus eBooks

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Each bottle contains a 30 day supply of Vivo Tonic, or 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules daily to support healthy blood sugar.

Bonuses Included with Vivo Tonic

As part of a 2023 promotion, the makers of Vivo Tonic have bundled three bonus eBooks with all 3 and 6 bottle purchases of the supplement. If you buy 3 or 6 bottles of Vivo Tonic today, you get immediate access to the three bonus eBooks below to complement the effects of Vivo Tonic:

Vivo Tonic Bonus Included

Free Bonus eBook #1: Biohacking Secrets: Valued at $97 on its own, Biohacking Secrets shares a series of lifestyle strategies and changes you can make to unleash the best version of yourself. If you want to hack your mind and body using modern technology to improve your quality of life, then this book could be the right choice for you. You can increase energy, enhance focus, and boost performance using a combination of science, technology, and the power of your own body.

Free Bonus eBook #2: Supercharge Your Body: This eBook explains how to support a healthy immune system, exercise the right way, eat better, and make simple lifestyle shifts using science-backed strategies. The book contains a total of 50 resources to deepen your knowledge and improve your immune system. Normally valued at $97, it’s available with all 3 and 6 bottle purchases of Vivo Tonic at no extra cost.

Free Bonus eBook #3: 1-Day Detox Miracle Guide: Can you detox your body in 24 hours? This eBook explains how you can enjoy effective, steady, and long-term weight loss starting with a 24-hour detoxification cycle. You can flush away toxins, replace them with essential nutrients, and support overall health. The authors recommend doing this once a month using ingredients that cost under $15. Some use it to lose weight, while others use it to support overall health.

Vivo Tonic Refund Policy

Vivo Tonic is backed by a 60 day moneyback guarantee. You can request a complete refund within 60 days if you’re unhappy with Vivo Tonic for any reason.

If Vivo Tonic did not reverse your type 2 diabetes within the first 60 days, or if the supplement did not help lower your blood sugar, then you are entitled to a complete refund.

About Vivo Tonic

Vivo Tonic is made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility using a blend of natural ingredients sourced from the United States and abroad. Many of the ingredients come from Nepal and the surrounding Himalayan Mountains, where they’ve been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

You can contact the makers of Vivo Tonic via the following:

Final Word

Vivo Tonic is a diabetes supplement derived from a natural remedy from Nepal.

Used for over 3,000 years by Tibetan and Nepalese monks, the formula can purportedly reverse diabetes, lower blood sugar, improve cholesterol and blood pressure, and promote a range of other powerful effects – even in people with severe cases of type 2 diabetes.

To learn more about Vivo Tonic or to buy the blood sugar support supplement online today, visit the official website.

Related Product: GlucoTrust Blood Sugar Management Supplement Review

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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