Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit Review – Online Event Details Revealed

Have you been suffering from full-body pain lately? Can’t figure out why you’re occasionally tired, unhappy, anxious, and sleep-deprived? If the latter is accompanied by digestive issues and tingling or numbness in the hands, feet, and jaw, one could argue the diagnosis as being fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia affects around 4 million adults in the United States alone, accounting for 2% of the global population. Unfortunately, the precise cause has yet to be determined [1]. Despite the availability of treatments, the substantial assistance they provide continues to be questioned.

According to DrTalks, many patients are instructed to live with the agony, allowing it complete reign over their lives. Let’s say that the DrTalks team and fibromyalgia expert, Dr. Roger Murphree defy the aforesaid and, in turn, have called upon several health specialists in integrative, holistic, and functional medicines to put together a tell-all summit. Are you ready to show your condition who is the boss? This review serves to introduce the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit.

What is the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit?

The Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit, brought to us by DrTalks, is an online, 7-day summit during which attendees can see a complete picture of fibromyalgia portrayed by many health specialists. The presenters for this event will not only provide a general picture but will also delve into the various branches of the condition, depicting realism in every detail. The host, Dr. Roger Murphree, has specialized in fibromyalgia for over 20 years and has helped hundreds of thousands of patients reverse pain. Attendees best know that he will engage in meaningful conversations and dive deep into never-answered or seldom-considered questions.

In fact, he shared the following regarding the highly anticipated summit:

“I have assembled a group of 40 health experts for a free online summit [called] Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit […] This summit shares information with you to help you in your quest to feel good again.”

With the premise on which this summit was organized out of the way, let’s take a closer look at the schedule and the types of discussions to be held.

Visit official website to learn more about Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit >>>

How has the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit schedule been organized?

Since the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit is seven days long, Dr. Rodger Murphree and the team at DrTalks have decided to have seven presenters speak on a relevant topic daily. Below is a sneak peek into the current schedule:

Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit Speakers

Day 1: Introduction to Fibromyalgia & Its Implications

Dr. Rodger Murphree, DC, CNS, will lay the groundwork on the first day of the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit. Specifically, he will cover the condition, its causes, who are at risk, and how to identify and rectify the causes. From there, Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, will shed light on what he calls, The Shine Protocol. This protocol helps people understand the body’s needs regarding sleep, hormones, infections, and exercise. Furthermore, the expert will make the case for the treatable nature of the condition.

Next, we have Dr. Rob Vanbergen, who plans to present one possible way to reduce pain: through micro currents. He will precisely start by introducing the notion of micro currents, how it works, why the vagus nerve is important for easing fibromyalgia symptoms and thus, steps for activation. Following suit, we have Dr. Eric D. Gordon, MD, an expert of Cell Danger Response Theory. After hearing his segment, people should be able to answer whether they are stuck in cell danger response, understand the severe consequences of stress, pathogens, and toxins on one’s survival mode and the causes of inflammation, exhaustion, and brain fog.

Fibromyalgia health coach, Tami Stackelhouse will share her experiences living with the condition, and easy to do tips for better managing it. She will also emphasize the impact of stress on pain. Jane Hogan is next in line to share her wisdom, and from the looks of it, her proposed treatment comprises breathing. In particular, breathing is said to relieve pain, whether mental, physical, or emotional, and she will make sure to drive this point home. Wrapping up the first day of the summit is Alex Howard, who will dive into the mind-body connection, its relevance in fibromyalgia and practical steps that can be implemented immediately to reverse unwanted symptoms.

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Day 2: Identifying & Implementing Steps to Overcome Fibromyalgia

The second day is just as enjoyable as the first, if not more so. Dr. Rodger Murphree will begin by discussing the most critical stage in overcoming fibromyalgia: deep restorative sleep. This makes sense, given that people with the illness frequently experience insomnia and poor sleep quality. He will discuss the detrimental impacts of the duo before introducing methods for re-establishing deep, delta-wave, restorative sleep. Dr. Neil Nathan, MD, on the other hand, feels that new triggers for the illness are becoming more prevalent in our surroundings.

Dr. William Pawluk, MD, MSc, believes that Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Theory (PEMF) is a viable therapeutic option to help reduce chronic inflammation and potentially eliminate fibromyalgia symptoms. Ken Swartz will then dive into a special space molecule unique to each individual. Surprisingly, he wants to argue in favor of accidents for fibromyalgia and the impact of the special space molecule on pain, weariness, brain fog, and cellular energy production. For those who are still not convinced that fibromyalgia is real, Corth Johnson offers ten techniques to demonstrate how it is not only real but also a severe ailment.

He will refute myths, uncover what has been overlooked and misinterpreted, and guarantee that people understand the difference between fibromyalgia and chronic tiredness. Melissa Talwar will pick up where Corth Johnson left off, instilling the concept of patient advocacy in everyone’s thoughts while exhibiting health behaviors that can lead to changes in one’s symptoms. Jana Danielson will conclude by introducing Pilates as a solution for symptom reduction and investigating the synergy between breathing, posture, and movement.

Day 3: Fibromyalgia, Energy Production, Bones, Thyroid Hormone & More

The third day of the summit brings more connections to light. People will begin to see how fibromyalgia affects various bodily components, some of which have been previously discovered but now in further depth. Dr. Rodger Murphree, for example, argues that low thyroid is yet another issue associated with fibromyalgia and will spend some time discussing the former and how the two are related. Ari Whitten, MS, will discuss energy, specifically how to activate the mitochondria to overcome weariness.

He wants everyone to understand the effects of stress on the mitochondria and why people will continue to be weary unless action is taken. Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC, brings her perspective and knowledge of mitochondria. She will discuss research on the effects of fibromyalgia on our energy powerhouse (hint: things aren’t looking good), as well as educate everyone on how to increase energy and reduce inflammation. Let’s say that many of her recommendations are about eating the appropriate foods and taking supplements, which should be intriguing.

Adding to Dr. Rodger Murphree’s segment in Dr. Shelena C. Lalji. In particular, she will provide insight into why people with low thyroid go untreated, underlying causes to be mindful of, and how hypothyroidism is very similar to fibromyalgia in symptoms. Given the physical pain associated with the issue, Kevin Ellis, or the BoneCoach™, should be called in. He will go over bone health (what it is and how to strengthen one’s bones) and osteoporosis with everyone.

Following that, David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS, will take a step back and focus on the implications of inflammation, methods to eliminate it, and why periodic fasting (such as intermittent fasting) may be beneficial. Annika Carroll‘s session on sleep, pain, and tiredness will conclude on the third day of the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit. She also firmly believes in getting deep, restorative sleep to deal with the problem, but without using any drugs.

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Day 4: The Reality of Fibromyalgia from Seven Lenses

The fourth day of the summit covers various issues that may or may not be directly connected but should be considered. Dr. Rodger Murphree, for instance, will argue how antidepressants aren’t the answer to fibromyalgia relief. He will present current research that backs up his reasoning. Most of all, his suggestion to use a brain function questionnaire to eliminate brain fog, anxiety, and depression is as intriguing. Dr. Rob Downey, MD, intends to reveal safety and danger signs, trauma, functional medicine principles, and why supplements may not be sufficient.

Did you know there are seven different forms of rest? We certainly didn’t, so Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s address will pique our interest. More specifically, she will expose the seven types and help people realize where their shortage is and how to acquire the rest needed to improve energy production. Eleanor Stein, MD, wants people to recognize that pain may be entirely contained within the brain. To grasp this, individuals must study the concept of neuroplasticity, its effect on chronic pain, and pain management strategies daily.

Ashok Gupta, MSc, offers a unique perspective on neuroplasticity. He will delve more into its significance in overcoming fibromyalgia and specific steps that must be taken for betterment. Then comes Debora Wayne’s segment, which explores the use of energy medicine, the missing link to tapping into our innate healing and understanding how to connect and listen to our energy channels. Finally, Gina Bria will teach you everything you need to know about hydration, including hydration for cellular health, producing energy, and pain relief.

Day 5: Triggers, Triggers & More Fibromyalgia Triggers

The fifth day will start with Dr. Rodger Murphree’s talk on adrenal fatigue, how stress leads to chronic pain, brain fog, and low mood, and why people must get tested for their adrenal fatigue. Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC, believes exhaustion stems from exposure to toxins. Why? During her talk, she will reveal the implications of heavy metals, mold, and pollutants, namely pain and fatigue. Evan Brand, CFMP, FNTP will continue from where Sinclair Kennally does, but with more emphasis placed on mold, i.e., common symptoms that might fall through the cracks and finding and removing mold from one’s home, business, and body.

Keesha Ewers, PhD, ARNP-FNP-C, AAP, IFM-C will answer a burning question we may all have; is fibromyalgia an autoimmune disease? From there, she will share whether past trauma has a role to play in fibromyalgia symptoms. Bridget Danner will also discuss everything she knows on mold biotoxins. Next, Dr. Yoni Whitten will teach everyone the benefits of active, simple movements to reduce pain and an overstimulated nervous system. Finally, Deanna Hansen will steer conversation of the connection between fascia and fibromyalgia. She will be driving the point that healthy fascia equals good health, which should be insightful.

Register and reserve your seat for this amazing event!

Day 6: Gut, Digestive, & Brain Functions vs. Fibromyalgia

As we approach the end of the summit, the speakers are drilling more implementation steps. To start, we have Dr. Rodger Murphree’s talk on the irritable syndrome, steps for correcting it, and protocols for reflux, malabsorption, leaky gut, and other GI conditions. Terry Wahls, MD, will focus more on the proper diet for reversing fibromyalgia. She firmly believes that eating back to health is highly possible. As for John Dempster, ND, he will walk everyone through the ins and outs of the brain-gut connection. Following him, we have Peter Osborne, DC, who insists gluten causes inflammation and pain, and why people should consider cutting gluten from their diet.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is next on the list of topics to be covered, and Dr. Kelly McCann, MD, will take the lead. To be more precise, she will showcase how MCAS causes symptoms similar to fibromyalgia and the best possible treatment options. Another topic kept for the end is the lymphatic system, which Sharon Stills, ND, will deliver. In educating on the lymphatic system, she will also add to what’s been shared on the fascia. Lastly, Nick Demos will share everything he learned from his documentary on the condition.

Day 7: Putting the Pieces Together

On the summit’s last day, Dr. Rodger Murphree will piece together all the key discussion points of fibromyalgia. The remaining presenters will use what’s left of the panel to emphasize any concluding remarks. Dr. Jenny Pfleghaar will discuss the link between fibromyalgia and the COVID epidemic. Then, Jaban Moore, DC, will assist people in distinguishing between Lyme disease and mold toxin issues. Dr. Darin, ND Ingels will also speak about the implications of chronic infections. He will explicitly discuss their consequences and provide step-by-step methods for reversing fibromyalgia symptoms.

Introducing the Survival Paradox: Fibromyalgia is Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, who believes stress and fear will keep us all sick and tired no matter the intervention. He will also bring back galectin-3 and why it is critical for more energy and less pain. For neurology topics, there’s no better person to give a talk than Peter Kan, DC, DACNB, FAAIM, CFMP, and CGP. Put differently, he will have people wondering whether their symptoms are in their heads.

The notion of “terrain health” is unheard of, and Dr. Christine Schaffner, ND, plans to change that. Specifically, she will underscore its importance in reversing fibromyalgia symptoms while suggesting steps for a good night’s rest. To end this week-long journey, Evan H. Hirsch, MD, will help people increase their energy levels naturally, and all it takes are four steps.

How much does it cost to attend the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit?

Scheduled between May 23, 2023, and May 30, 2023, this summit is free to attend. By default, those who register for the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit will also have free access to the following bonuses:

Fibromyalgia & Mold Toxins eReport by Rodger Murphree;

Fibromyalgia & Thyroid Connection eReport by Rodger Murphree;

Fibromyalgia: Has Your ‘Get Up And Go’ Got Up And Went? eReport by Rodger Murphree;

3 Secrets to Stronger Bones eBook by Kevin Ellis;

The Fibromyalgia Coach eGuide by Tami Stackelhouse;

Foods to Eat And to Avoid for Fibromyalgia eGuide by John Dempster;

Reverse Fibromyalgia Symptoms by Healing Your Gut Microbiome eGuide by Laura Frontiero;

Freedom From Fibromyalgia with Carbon C60 eGuide by Jessica MacNaughton & Ken Swartz;

Bone Healthy Recipes eGuide by Kevin Ellis;

Healing Habits from a Functional Medicine Physician eGuide by Robert Downey, MD;

PEMFs for Pain & Inflammation eGuide by William Pawluk;

Supercharge Your Energy Healing with PEMFs eGuide by William Pawluk;

Fix Your Fatigue PDF by Evan H. Hirsch;

Pain-Free by Design eBook by Jane Hogan;

Fatigue – 12 Secrets to Recovery eBook by Alex Howard;

21 Food Swaps And Shifts to Overcome Inflammation & Fatigue eBook by Keesha Ewers;

NeuroMetabolic Smoothie Recipe eBook by Peter Kan;

The Cell Danger Response eBook by Eric D. Gordon, MD;

3-Steps to Happiness-Healing Through Joy eBook by Jacob Teitelbaum;

8 Guided Meditations eBook by Ashok Gupta;

Toxic Mold Recovery Guide by Bridget Danner;

Well-Rested Minds Guide by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith;

Mold & Mycotoxin Solutions eGuide by Evan Brand;

Top 11 Chemicals Affecting Your Health Guide by Jaban Moore, DC;

Short-Circuits In Your Nervous System Guide by Terry Wahls, MD;

Histamine Conscious Food List by Kelly McCann;

5 Steps to Control Your Pain eBook & 9-Part Video Series by Deanna Hansen;

The 7 Surprisingly Simple Steps to Living with Less Pain by Eleanor Stein, MD;

Take Back Your Life by Tamil Stackelhouse;

Inflammation Crushing Smoothie Guide by David Jockers;

Anti-Viral Hydrating Elixirs with Everyday Ingredients by Darcie Purcell;

Why Do I Still Hurt? By Debora Wayne;

The ME/CFS + Long Haul COVID Connection by Nafysa Parpia, ND;

3-Day Sugar Detox by Dr. Jenny Pfleghaar;

Pain As Your SacRED Messenger by Sharon Stills, ND;

5-Day DIY Detox Guide by Bridgit Danner;

Soul Full Meditation Series by Jana Danielson;

Sneaky Sleep Saboteurs and How to Deal With Them by Annika Carroll;

The Hidden Cause of Aging + Disease by Isaac Eliaz;

At Home Detox for Energy by Sinclair Kennally;

Fibromyalgia Heroes Journey by Melissa Talwar.

Although each registration includes a plethora of free resources, for those who wish to have access to more perks and advanced notice of all DrTalks’ summits and videos, all it takes is an annual subscription that costs only $19. Simply put, for $19, individuals can get their leg in the door to the following:

  • Access to downloadable expert talks audio files;
  • Get PDF transcripts of all summit talks;
  • Access to over 1000 premium summit expert talks;
  • Access to new expert talks (over 30 per month);
  • Private invitation to an exclusive customer-centric Facebook community.

Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit Bonuses

Final Thoughts

The Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit is precisely as it sounds, a tell-all summit where Dr. Rodger Murphree will sit down with experts of all practices and designations to delve into the implications of poor lifestyle, internal and external factors, and triggers linked to fibromyalgia on one’s overall wellness. A condition known for physical pain; when symptoms are left untreated, the pain becomes unbearable for the emotional and mental health. DrTalks’ summits are widely known for their network of alternative medicine enthusiasts, their willingness to open up about topics seldom elaborated upon, and all the bonuses offered at no extra charge. This will be a lifetime learning opportunity, and everyone should buckle up for an entertaining and valuable health journey. To secure a seat at the Freedom From Fibromyalgia Summit, click here! >>>>

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