What, When & Why Exercise for Women 40+ Summit [Review] What to Know!

One of the most important types of activities that people should engage in is exercise. Although exercise is primarily associated with weight management results, research has revealed other equally important and immediate benefits, such as a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers. Individuals can also expect stronger bones and muscles, a reduced likelihood of falling, enhanced independence and longevity, and the ability to manage and even overcome specific chronic health condition impairments [1]. Now, people, particularly women over 40, must ask how best to incorporate exercise.

Currently, there are a vast number of nutritional and exercise programs tailored toward this demographic. Many present different root causes, and solutions, all of which may have confused women. To fully understand exercise’s role in health and how to choose the best possible program, women who’ve surpassed the stages of childbirth and menstrual will need to factor in perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. What initially may have appeared as a simple equation for optimal health quickly became complicated.

Fortunately, a team dedicated to disseminating integrative, functional-based health information has been hard at work organizing a summit where experts will share their academic knowledge and clinical experiences on exercise for women over 40. Without further ado, here’s a detailed look at what attendees might expect from the What, When, & Why Exercise for Women 40+ Summit.

What is the What, When & Why Exercise for Women 40+ Summit?

It is brought to us by HealthMeans®, The What, When & Why Exercise for Women 40+ (or simply, Exercise for Women 40+) Summit is founded on two primary principles of exercise. First, it should be enjoyed rather than treated as a chore, and second, it must constitute a simple yet evidence-based approach. This combination is reckoned to keep women over 40 fit before, during, and after menopause. This is the summit to attend for those who have been provided with inappropriate advice about exercise, whether from parents, trainers, or even healthcare practitioners. Why? Because most sports medicine research doesn’t feature women in midlife.

Therefore, alternative medicine, functional medicine, and integrative medicine experts have all joined forces to present hormone-based exercise protocols thought to keep bones strong and prevent fractures. Moreover, these protocols may build muscle strength, increase balance, improve posture and reaction times, stabilize hormones and blood sugar levels, and train the brain. The reason for focusing on hormones is their impact on exercise and vice versa. Although this might all sound overwhelming initially, the summit’s host, Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS, will steer conversations with world-renowned specialists to explain several topics reasonably. Here are some words from the expert herself:

“Look, when you’re a woman in midlife going through the most volatile hormone fluctuations of your life, you’ve got to consider that exercise influences hormones. Hormones influence exercise […] This is The What, The When, and The Why to Exercise for Women Over 40. It’s part of the Flipping Fifty Project, where we don’t focus on getting older but on getting bolder. We’re not concerned so much about losing weight, as let’s focus on lifting weight. It’s not so much about fear of falls, but fear of stalls […] Attend, save your spot right now, and then ask questions.”

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How has the What, When & Why Exercise for Women 40+ Summit been structured?

This week-long summit has a lot in store. Hormonal fluctuations are at the head of the chain, but other subjects branch from it. It’s no surprise that HealthMeans® gathered not ten, not twenty, but forty health experts to go deeper into these fields. Each speaker’s experience and what they will bring to the summit are summarized below.

Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS

Topics Covered: Laying the Foundation & Steps to Starting, Restarting, or Resetting

Debra Atkinson is a 30-year fitness trainer, wellness coach, and speaker. As someone over 50, she recognizes that weight management and strength-building rules shift gears. She has coached people of all demographics for three decades, allowing her to understand what works and what doesn’t. In that regard, the host will take everyone through several aspects of health, such as:

  • The impact of breathing techniques on exercise outcomes;
  • Why alignment matters and when to consider hinging exercises;
  • The steps for those who are starting again;
  • The biggest obstacles to consider at the start, restart and reset phases;
  • Why conventional methods do not always work.

Natalie Jill

Topics Covered: How to Overcome Injuries and Setbacks

Natalie Jill is a fat loss expert and creative sales strategist. She is on a mission to help women “reignite, redefine, and rebrand” how aging is perceived and defined. As someone over 50, Natalie wants everyone to embrace conversations around age and potential. Regarding this summit, she plans to reveal the secrets to reducing risks of low back pain while showcasing to everyone how to execute the “test” and how injuries are merely wake-up calls and not so many setbacks.

Stacy Sims, MSc, PhD

Topics Covered: The Science Behind Women’s Health

Stacy Sims, MSc, Ph.D., is an international exercise physiologist and nutrition expert specializing in exercise nutrition and women’s performance. Her contributions to the research environment aided her in establishing a reputation as an expert in sex differences, particularly in training, food, and health. Naturally, her perspective on Exercise for Women 40+ is critical. Throughout her segment, Stacy will discuss metabolic recovery, what “high intensity” means, and when to take carbohydrates and protein.

Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Topics Covered: Fast, Fed & Fit Over 40

Cynthia Thurlow is an intermittent fasting expert, nutritional educator, and nurse practitioner who feels that weight gain is not a natural part of the aging process for women. She has almost 20 years of clinical medical expertise in ER and cardiology. During this period, she pondered the underlying causes of chronic illnesses and realized food’s beneficial effect on wellness. Using her acquired nutrition and functional testing knowledge, Cynthia will elaborate on fasted versus fed exercise, when and what to eat, and fasting for women who are presently cycling versus those undergoing menopause.

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Gabrielle Lyon, DO

Topics Covered: How to Increase Lean Muscle, Lose Fat, and Live Stronger

Gabrielle Lyon views aging as a stage in life in which people can remain fragile or become strong. She encourages women to consider emotional, environmental, and psychological barriers for optimal strength. Through her personalized action plans, advanced nutrition interventions, and emphasis on strong medicine, attendees will come to learn the steps to losing weight while putting on muscle, two must-take high-protein meals, and how to reach the pinnacle of health.

Stuart Philips, Ph.D., FACSM, FCAHS

Topics Covered: Resistance Training

Stuart Philips is a professor of kinesiology and research chair at McMaster University’s Skeletal Muscle Health. His research expertise is in nutrition and exercise science and their impact on body composition. During Exercise for Women 40+ Summit, this professional will cover all there is to know about muscle protein synthesis and the best possible approach for longevity. To keep things interesting, Stuart plans to reveal everything that works to help people reach 65 without stress.

Jana Danielson, MBA

Topics Covered: Healthy Pelvic Flood

Jana Danielson, MBA, founded lead pilates and integrated health therapies. In addition, he founded the Metta Disctrict Online Studio and invented the cooch and gooch balls. To her, our pelvic floor muscles are imperative for lowering back pain, strengthening floors, increasing core engagement, and improving hip flexibility. The rationale, as mentioned earlier, will be further expounded regarding hormones and chronic back pain.

Sue Hitzmann, MS, CST, NMT

Topics Covered: Healthy Movement

Sue Hitzmann created the MELT method, a self-care technique that aims to enhance mobility, stability, and overall performance while reducing chronic pain. Regarding movement, Sue’s segment will branch into the notion of fascia, why foam rolling should be avoided, and the link between stiffness and discomfort.

Robbie Stahl

Topics Covered: Avoid Training for Dysfunction

Robbie Stahl created the Fitness Doctor Academy, a high-quality fitness training system. He views exercise from the standpoint of a scientist and research professor, which led him to discover seven self-control elements. These elements would subsequently prove advantageous to clients, allowing them to improve their lives. Overall, Robbie feels that attendees should be educated on three levels of life movement, why weight lifting is just secondary, and what, when, and how to train.

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Jenny Tufenkian, ND

Topics Covered: Fatigue

Jenny Tufenkian is a naturopathic doctor, functional medicine instructor, and entrepreneur with a mission to help people regain their core vitality. She traveled her route with illnesses, feeling confused, terrified, tired, and depleted. She even freed herself by combining natural medicine approaches, traditional practices, and modern science, and she hopes to do the same for everyone who seeks her assistance. Jenny will disclose the five underlying causes of chronic fatigue, the appropriate technique to do interval training, and everything COVID at the Exercise for Women 40+ Summit.

Krista Burns, DHA, DC, CPX, CPN, CErg

Topics Covered: Posture Health

Dr. Krista Burns co-founded The American Posture Institute, where the general public can access posture education emphasizing evidence-based practices. Furthermore, she is also a prominent face of digital dementia caused by postural distortions, sedentary lifestyles, and overuse of technology. It only makes sense for her to delve deeper into exercises that improve posture, strategies for better alignment, and the association between posture and mood.

Vincent Pedre, MD

Topics Covered: Gut Health

Dr. Vincent Pedre is the medical director and president of Pedre Integrative Health. His philosophy blends both Eastern and Western medicines, namely finding synergy between integrative and functional, systems-based approaches to health. He also founded the Happy Gut® brand, which, as the name suggests, revolves around gut health. Dr. Vincent will take this platform to introduce two digestive supplements for bloating, gas, and protein breakdown, what it means when people don’t feel well, and what happens when people skip breakfast.

Jade Teta, ND

Topics Covered: Hormonal Balance

Dr. Jade Teta is a naturopathic physician specializing in integrative endocrinology, or the study of hormones and metabolism. The “integrative” element merely signifies that the expert uses conventional and unconventional methodologies. His lecture is relevant to his expertise, ensuring attendees know about health gaps, measures to building SHMEC balance, and why the two must be combined.

Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN, NP

Topics Covered: Adrenal Fatigue

Marcelle Pick is dedicated to changing the way women experience healthcare. She relied significantly on an integrated strategy to put things into action. She is one of the first physicians to be qualified as a functional medicine practitioner, an OB/GYN nurse practitioner, and a pediatric nurse practitioner. Given her advocacy for women, she decided to raise awareness about the importance of adrenals, the warning signs of poor adrenal function, and the negative impact of stress on overall dysfunction.

Limited seats available – register now!

Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH

Topics Covered: Effect of Trauma on the Body

Dr. Aimie Apigian is a board-certified preventive medicine physician, author, speaker, and founder of Trauma Healing Accelerated, LLC. Her combined roles as a physician and foster parent steered her toward trauma healing. She also holds the Instinctual Trauma Response Model, Somatic Experiencing, and NeuroAffective Touch certifications. So, how does trauma enter the picture? She will argue for the mind-body trauma link and three ways unresolved trauma might manifest. Most importantly, she might provoke controversy by implying that discipline and willpower are ineffective.

Titus Chiu, MS, DC, DACNB

Topics Covered: Brain Health

Dr. Titus Chiu is a pioneer in functional neurology, a #1 best-selling author, and a prominent international speaker. He specializes in chronic neurological diseases and post-concussion syndrome. He contributes to their restoration by assisting people to regain control of their brains. Dr. Titus takes a different approach to this summit by focusing on the brain. Specifically, he will teach everyone how to train their brain, an exercise considered “Miracle-Gro” for the brain, and steps to improving memory.

Loren Fishman, MD

Topics Covered: Yoga for Bone Health

Dr. Loren Fishman, the medical director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and has written ten books and 90 research publications about yoga. He believes that yoga can help with lower back discomfort, piriformis syndrome, rotator cuff syndrome, scoliotic spine, and osteoporotic bones, among other things. Speaking of bone health, Dr. Loren will shed light on the effect of yoga on bone density, the difference between quantity and quality, and five common fracture sites that must be taken good care of.

Dan M. Ritchie, PhD

Topics Covered: Exercise

Dr. Dan Ritchie co-founded the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), which provides evidence-based training programs. Dan’s fitness career allegedly began in 2002, and since the inception of FAI, he has become a sought-after expert and speaker on how to strike a balance between aging and personal training. Considering everything, his portion will focus on how to start a workout properly, COVID-19 and gyms, and why hydration is essential for any successful weight management journey.

Beverly Yates, ND

Topics Covered: Blood Glucose Levels

Dr. Beverly Yates is a naturopathic doctor on a quest to heal three million individuals with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. She understands that helping others not only changes lives on an individual level but also on a familial level. For those who struggle with fluctuating blood sugar levels, Dr. Beverly Yates’ talk will be reassuring as she ventures into a blood sugar-stabilizing recipe and how to test blood sugar levels rather than guessing.

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Betsy A.B. Greenleaf, DO, FACOOG (Dist.)

Topics Covered: The Four Stages of Prolapse

Dr. Betsy Greenleaf DO, FACOOG (Dist.) is a women’s health expert, entrepreneur, inventor, and business leader with concentrations in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Did we mention she is triple board-certified, including a specialization as an OB/GYN? Having said that, attendees will hear more about the four stages of prolapse and the types and exercises that might worsen related symptoms.

Catherine Staffieri, RDN

Topics Covered: Using Data for Results

Catherine Staffieri is a licensed dietitian and nutritionist who works as the Nutrition Manager at Nutrisense, a health tech start-up dedicated to assisting people in reaching their full potential. The expert has advised thousands of clients on their glucose levels and logged meals to measure progress and make modifications as needed. Regarding glucose levels, Catherine will review the untold fat-burning truth, hypoglycemia versus hyperglycemia, and why avoiding one exercise that produces hormonal mayhem is critical.

JJ Virgin, CNS, BCHN, EP-C

Topics Covered: Gaining Weight to Lose Weight

JJ Virgin takes pride in assisting clients over 40 to lose weight and keep it off. She claims to have spent decades in this sector performing hands-on research with doctors and clients and taking dozens of graduate school and certification courses. Her ability to help thousands of people was finally understanding carbohydrate intolerances, body chemistry, and needs, and why less is more in terms of exercise. During her segment, JJ Virgin will reveal what sets one’s daily metabolic tone, the meaning behind the metabolic “Spanx,” and three musts for gaining muscle.

Alisa Vitti

Topics Covered: Weight Loss

Alissa Vitti is a women’s hormone expert and functional nutritionist who claims to be a true nerd in hormonal biochemistry, endocrinology, epigenetics, neuropsychology, and functional nutrition. She’s spent 15 years researching these topics and applying what she’s learned worldwide. She also developed FLO, a virtual online health center focusing on women’s health, explicitly managing hormonal issues. With that in mind, Alissa is prepared to address menstrual cycle-based exercise, postmenopausal exercise options, and why calorie counting is crucial during the luteal period.

Kevin Ellis, CHC

Topics Covered: Bone Information No One Shares

Kevin Ellis, CHC, also known as the BoneCoach™, spent his career identifying ways to assist patients in addressing bone loss, creating more robust bones, and overcoming their fear of bone fractures through his accreditation as an integrative nutrition health coach. Considering Kevin’s reputation as the bone doctor, it only makes sense for him to spill the beans on all things bone health, right? That’s precisely what he’s prepared to deliver. He will specifically discuss bone density versus bone quality, risk factors for osteoporosis, and why individuals should go beyond DEXA scans.

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Andrea Leonard

Topics Covered: Cancer and Exercise

Andrea Leonard is the founder and president of the Cancer Exercise Training Institute. Her dedication to cancer therapy derives from her own experience with thyroid cancer. She holds multiple credentials, including corrective exercise specialist, performance enhancement specialist, personal trainer, and special populations expert. At just 18, she underwent a complete thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine treatment, which, while reviving her, also made her metabolism sluggish and led to weight gain. The latter adverse effects are what drew her to personal training. The rest, as they say, is history. Andrea will teach guests the importance of prioritizing movement throughout treatment and lymphedema prevention.

Pat Marques, BS, NSCA-CPT & Grove Higgins, DC, CSCS

Topics Covered: The Ifs, Thens, & Hows of Joint Replacement

Pat Marques and Grove Higgins work at the NeuroAthlete & Chiropractic Clinic, providing neurologically based training, advanced strength and conditioning, lymphatic compression, and concussion care. This duo will answer questions about joint replacement, strengthening factors, and synovial fluid during the summit.

Amie Hornaman, DCN, CFMP

Topics Covered: Thyroid and Metabolic Functions

Dr. Amie Hornaman is widely recognized as “The Thyroid-Fixer,” where listeners have applauded her knowledge of medicine and alternative health for supporting people with thyroid dysfunction. She also developed a line of supplements called The Fixxr™, all of which aim to revive people’s health and give them complete control over their health and happiness. Seeing how she wears the crown for knowing so much about thyroid function, Dr. Amie Hornaman will discuss its relevance, why a dysfunction may occur, and what T2 is.

Erin Carson

Topics Covered: Strength-Training

Erin Carson is the co-owner and operator of RallySport, a Colorado training facility and health club. As the head coach of ECFIT, she develops strength-training programs for endurance athletes who want to excel at triathlons, marathons, and cycling competitions, to name a few. Erin’s part will likely pick at the brain, seeing how she answers the most frequently asked burning questions. We are precisely referring to under-recovery versus overtraining. She will also share a sample seven-day workout regimen and four supplements that everyone should have in their medicine cabinets.

Yoni Whitten, DC, CCWP

Topics Covered: How to Train Out of Pain

Dr. Yoni Whitten is a long-time fan of the human body’s mental or physical capacity. He attended San Diego State University, where his passion materialized some more in the field of kinesiology (with specializations in nutrition and health). This idea of pushing the body to the right limit will be his main message during the Exercise for Women 40+ summit. Of course, while giving the absolute best, individuals must remember three steps for eliminating pain, two ways to identify the best types of exercises, and hidden causes of pain.

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Magdalena Wszelaki

Topics Covered: Estrogen Dominance

Magdalena Wszelaki is no stranger to hormonal changes, having fought Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal exhaustion, Estrogen Dominance, and intestinal difficulties for years. Her failed journey with conventional health prompted her to seek alternative medicine. And, to her surprise, she overcame it all while writing a cookbook and working as a meditation practitioner and Level II Reiki healer. She intends to share her knowledge on Estrogen Dominance, its signs and symptoms, and the factors that contribute to it.

Jenn Simmons, MD

Topics Covered: Breast Cancer Secrets No One Shares

Dr. Jenn Simmons, MD, was a 17-year breast surgery and cancer care veteran in Philadelphia. Her desire to pursue health rather than treat illness led her to functional medicine. With nearly two decades of expertise, we expect Dr. Jenn Simmons to disclose what she knows and what the industry keeps hidden from patients. She will also address misunderstandings about estrogen and breast cancer, how exercise plays a role during and after treatment, and risk factors to be aware of.

Belinda Beck, BHMS(Ed), MS, Ph.D., FACSM, FESSA, FASMA

Topics Covered: Osteoporosis

Belinda Beck is a professor at Griffith University’s School of Health Sciences & Social Work and a Menzies Health Institute Queensland member. Her academic background, which later ended up being her designation, was mainly on the effects of mechanical loading on bone – in animals and humans. She authored almost 100 scholarly papers, gave 200 abstracts, and re-established exercise as a treatment for osteoporosis as the gold standard. This brings us to the subjects she will discuss at the summit, including recent studies on bone formation, strength exercises, and repetition range for bone development.

Emily Kiberd, DC

Topics Covered: Exercise

Dr. Emily Kiberd is a certified chiropractor, movement specialist, and strength enthusiast who reversed her former Hashimoto’s. Given how perplexed Emily was then, she made it her mission to educate other women about the illness and how to work out with it to lose weight and overcome weariness. Naturally, she will take a stance on the distinction between Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism and the methods for diagnosing weariness and feeding muscle tissues.

Tyna Moore, ND, DC

Topics Covered: Hormones, Muscle & Overall Health

Tyna Moore is a naturopathic physician and chiropractor who has worked in natural regenerative medicine and resilient health for over three decades. She helps improve patients’ resilience and metabolic health by combining her academic and practical expertise, which will be broadly shared at Exercise for Women 40+. Precisely, we are referring to her speech on hypothyroidism, the effect of HRT on muscle health, and attaining testosterone balance in women. That’s right, a topic that is seldom discussed or thought of.

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Mariza Snyder, DC

Topics Covered: The Cause of Midlife Chaos

Dr. Mariza Snyder is a wellness advocate, Amazon best-selling author, and educator. She was chronically ill eleven years ago, generally weary and suffering a perpetual overwhelm. Growing up with hormone abnormalities did not help matters. When she reached the tipping point, she began to change her lifestyle, starting with simple dietary changes and eventually turning to herbal medicine. Regarding Exercise for Women 40+, Dr. Mariza intends to discuss three indicators of blood sugar fluctuations, enhancing metabolic balance, and distinguishing between daytime and nighttime fatigue.

Esther Blum, MS, RD, CDN, CNS

Topics Covered: Seven Micronutrients to Liberate One of Menopot

Esther Blum is a menopausal expert and integrative dietitian with 27 years of experience helping women understand menopause via nutrition, hormones, and self-advocacy. Esther believes that people should be conscious of their respective metabolic mistresses, optimal timing to fuel the body for exercise, and the simple and daily action of walking for alleviating Menopot, also known as a postmenopausal pot belly.

Emily Splichal, DPM, MS

Topics Covered: Three Foot Issues to Be Watchful Of

Dr. Emily Splichal is a podiatrist, human movement specialist, and global barefoot science and rehabilitation leader. Originally trained as a surgeon, she decided to put down her scalpel and concentrate on functional and regenerative medicine. What does this mean for attendees? They will learn more about plantar fasciitis and how to deal with bunions and hammer toes.

Irv Rubenstein, Ph.D., ACSM-CEP, NSCA-CSCS, CSPS, CPT

Topics Covered: Three Upper Body Joints Yearning for TLC

Dr. Irv Rubenstein is an expert in exercise science who went on to co-found STEPS Fitness. In addition to those above, he has been an active practitioner and teacher of Tae Kwon Do for 35 years. So, when it comes to exercise and fitness, he is probably one of the few people individuals can confidently turn to. He plans to educate the masses on tendon issues and practices for elbow, shoulder, and wrist functions for the fast-approaching summit.

Sheree Clark

Topics Covered: The Other Side of Gut Health

Sheree Clark is about following the gut and living life to the fullest. So, when she insists her talk is on the other side of gut health, it isn’t the literal function; it is one’s willingness to take risks should the need arise. To some extent, mindset matters. Otherwise, no one will put in the work. For this reason, Sheree believes it is worthwhile to stop worrying over past failures, incorporate two habits for better health, and take steps to overcome resistance to change, among others. Put differently; she wants everyone to set themselves free from being their anchor.

Exercise for Women 40+ Summit Speakers

How much does attending the What, When & Why Exercise for Women 40+ Summit cost?

The Exercise for Women 40+ is free for the first week of launch, between Monday, May 1, 2023, and Sunday, May 7, 2023. By registering for this summit, individuals will have immediate access to the following daily movement preview sessions by Debra Atkinson:

  • A two-part warm-up session with rotation and balance movements;
  • Two-minute dose of one specific bone-beneficial exercise;
  • How to be N.E.A.T and why exercise isn’t enough;
  • Understanding the power equation, where it shows up, and simple ways to incorporate it daily;
  • Move fast regularly, as slow and controlled movements aren’t always ideal;
  • Two-part cool-down session from head-to-toe.

In addition to Debra Atkinson’s gifts, other gifts will be offered that reflect many of the topics covered in the Exercise for Women 40+ Summit:

  • The 8-Week Gutsy Hormone Solution by Tabatha Barber, DO, FACOOG, NCMP;
  • 5 Strategies to Lose Weight with Hashimoto’s eGuide by Emily Kiberd, DC;
  • Build a Body Workout eGuide by Natalie Jill;
  • Beating Back Pain eBook by Yoni Whitten, DC, CCWP;
  • 7-Day Posture Reset eGuide by Krista Burns, DHA, DC, CPX, CPN, CErg;
  • How to Sleep More Soundly eGuide by Jennifer Simmons;
  • 12 Weeks to Weight Loss the Right Way eWorkbook by Amie Hornaman, DCN, CFMP;
  • Simple Tasty Recipes for Diabetes eCookbook by Beverly Yates, ND;
  • Happy Hormone Cocktail eGuide by Ester Blum;
  • Anti-Viral Hydration Elixirs with Everyday Ingredients eGuide by Darcie Purcell.

For those wishing to access Exercise for Women 40+ Summit’s compiled content after the first week of launch, individuals will need to order lifetime access. At the time of writing, three different packages are available at checkout:

Education Package (USD$69):

  • Event streaming/downloading through a HealthMeans® account;
  • Access to online event transcripts;
  • Online access to purchase gifts;
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

Action Package (USD$69):

  • The 10-Day Hot, Not Bothered Challenge;
  • Online access to purchase gifts;
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

Education & Action Package (USD$99):

  • Event streaming/downloading through a HealthMeans® account;
  • Access to online event transcripts;
  • Online access to purchase gifts;
  • The 10-Day Hot, Not Bothered Challenge, comprising made-for-menopause exercise videos;
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

All three packages have been protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee. If the contents are not to one’s expectations or the quality is subpar, customer service can be contacted for a full purchase price refund. For further information on the refund policy, visit the official website to use the contact form.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the What, When & Why Exercise For Women 40+ Summit answers essential questions that even studies cannot answer. Even though we all like to rely on scientific evidence for reassurance, women over 40 are disadvantaged, predominantly regarding exercise, because study participants are typically mice, men, or younger women. Can we extrapolate their findings to a different demographic with distinct hormonal needs? No way, which makes this meeting more critical than ever. Furthermore, we admire this team’s focus on strength and longevity over appearance and weight loss.

Our editorial team was generally pleased with analyzing the speakers’ backgrounds and chosen topics. First and foremost, many speakers are enthusiastic about women’s health, particularly those of a certain age prone to hormonal changes. Second, many of them are women who understand what it’s like to reach 40 and see a slight improvement in strength or mental health. Lastly, we have many experts covering unique aspects of exercise, not just weight loss and macronutrients, but also gut health, brain, bone health, and cellular function.

The fact that the summit has been structured so that exercise is branched into topics usually swept under the carpet goes to show HealthMeans® commitment to making health information accessible for all. In light of everything, the What, When & Why Exercise for 40+ Summit promises to impart essential information to women looking to learn how to supercharge their health. Visit the official website to register today!

Also Read: Metaboost Connection Review (Meredith Shirk)

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