Options Medical Weight Loss Reviews – Legit Weight Loss Programs & FDA-Approved Sppetite Suppressants?

Options Medical Weight Loss is a company offering customized weight loss programs for everybody.

The company was founded with the goal of reducing the growth of obesity rates via life-changing medical weight loss experiences led by an experienced care team.

Can Options Medical Weight Loss live up to the hype? How does the Options Medical Weight Loss free consultation work? In our review, find out everything you need to know about the company’s customized weight loss programs today.

What is Options Medical Weight Loss?

Options Medical Weight Loss helps anyone lose weight using customized medically-supervised weight loss programs, FDA-approved appetite suppressants, and other medications.

You start your journey by scheduling a free online consultation with one of the company’s knowledgeable weight loss specialists. Then, you get a free assessment and metabolic scan to see which weight loss approach works best. As you progress through the program, you get ongoing support when you need it, helping you reach your weight loss goals.

Options Medical Weight Loss Programs

Each weight loss program is different from Options Medical Weight Loss. However, the company offers physician-supervised programs, prescription weight loss medication, hCG injections, lipotropic fat burners, B12 injections, one-on-one counseling, and other approaches for weight loss.

A physician also supervises Options Medical Weight Loss: the company’s weight loss programs are overseen by Dr. Katrina Mattingly, a board-certified obesity medicine specialist, and Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Mattingly works with a team of board-certified doctors to treat obesity with customized weight loss programs.

Options Medical Weight Loss operates online and at clinics across the United States. The company maintains offices in Florida, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio, among other locations nationwide.

Don’t wait any longer. Start your weight loss journey today!

How Does Options Medical Weight Loss Work?

Options Medical Weight Loss makes it easy to discover the customized weight loss program that best suits your unique needs. It starts with a free consultation. Then, Options Medical Weight Loss recommends a plan unique to your weight loss goals and physiology.

Step 1) Schedule a free online consultation. Options Medical Weight Loss offers free, no-obligation consultations with knowledgeable weight loss specialists. Sign up online to hear back from a specialist who can analyze your goals and recommend the best approach. Here’s how Options Medical Weight Loss works for first-time customers:

Step 2) Discover what options weight loss program works best for you. Options Medical Weight Loss offers a range of weight loss programs – including the hCG diet, prescription weight loss medication programs, one-on-one counseling, and more. The specialist can work with you to determine the best approach.

Step 3) Get ongoing support as needed. As you progress through your Options Medical Weight Loss program, you get one-on-one in-person counseling to help you stay on track with your weight loss goals.

How Does the Options Medical Weight Loss Free Consultation Work?

Options Medical Weight Loss offers a free consultation for all new customers. During the free consultation, you can get a metabolism test, discover the options available to you, and discuss your weight loss goals with a specialist.

Some of the advantages of the Options Medical Weight Loss free consultation include:

  • Free consultation and metabolism test
  • New GLP-1 medication available
  • Easy-to-follow plans customized for your unique needs
  • Medically-supervised programs
  • Rated 4.8 stars out of 5 with 1,500+ reviews

There’s no “catch” to the free consultation. Enter your name and contact information into the online form to start. Then, you can get on the path toward reaching your weight loss goals.

Options Medical Weight Loss Programs

Options Medical Weight Loss offers several programs and approaches for weight loss. Some patients benefit from hCG injections and other prescription weight loss medication. Others work better with a non-prescription approach.

Some of the weight loss programs available through Options Medical Weight Loss include:

Options Diet System: Prescription Program

Options Medical Weight Loss’s flagship program is the Options Diet System. The system is available in prescription and non-prescription options. This program comes with features like:

  • Ideal for patients who want weight loss structure and guidance along with FDA-approved weight loss medication
  • May involve the use of FDA-approved appetite suppressants, lipotropic fat-burning injections, and other weight-loss medication
  • The safest, fastest way to lose weight and keep the weight off
  • Customized, medically-supervised weight loss tailored to your unique biomarkers, physiology, and weight loss goals

Options Diet System: Non-Prescription Program

Options Medical Weight Loss also offers a non-prescription version of its flagship Options Diet System. This program is ideal for patients who want an alternative to invasive weight loss methods without using prescription weight loss medication.

This program includes features like:

  • Ideal for patients who want weight loss structure and guidance without using FDA-approved appetite suppressants
  • Ideal for patients ready to make lifestyle changes
  • Patients can boost metabolism and burn fat with lipotropic fat-burning injections
  • Customized, medically-supervised weight loss tailored to your unique biomarkers, physiology, and weight loss goals

Click here to learn more about Options Medical Weight Loss Programs >>>

Options hCG System: Fast Options Program

Options Medical Weight Loss offers human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG) weight loss programs, helping you lose weight using the proven power of pregnancy hormones.

A woman’s body makes hCG when pregnant. Studies show this hormone can treat fertility issues in men and women – like low testosterone in men and low fertility in women. However, it can also help you lose weight. First pioneered in 1954, the hCG diet has surged in popularity in the medically supervised weight loss community in the last decade.

Options Medical Weight Loss’s hCG diet program works like this:

When the hCG hormone is present in your blood, your body burns more calories from fat than from muscle. Without hCG, your body metabolizes muscle, leading to unhealthy weight loss results.

hCG forces your body into an anabolic state conducive to muscle growth and fat burning. When combined with a low-calorie diet, hCG can be extremely effective for weight loss. You can lose weight, feel full, and avoid losing muscle mass.

The hCG weight loss program involves regular hCG injections. These hormone injections trigger the release of stored fat and prevent your body from entering “starvation mode.”

If you followed a low-calorie diet without taking hCG, you would experience side effects like extreme hunger, hair loss, and mood fluctuations. hCG injections limit these side effects, giving you greater weight loss results.

Options Medical Weight Loss’s hCG diet program lasts 23 days or 40 days. You can lose around 15 to 40 lbs during this program, although results vary from person to person.

According to the official website, men lose around 1lb of fat per day with the program, and women lose around 0.5 lbs of fat or more each day. Other benefits of the weight loss program include increased energy, clearer thinking, decreased blood pressure, improved cholesterol, and restorative sleep, among other perks.

The Options Medical Weight Loss hCG diet consists of three phases, including:

The Options hCG System Phase I: This phase involves the consumption of high-fat foods along with hCG hormone injections. hCG injections work best when you have large amounts of available fat tissue. When you load up on fatty foods, you’re enabling hCG to work most effectively.

The Options hCG System Phase II: In the second phase, you start eating 500 calories per day. This part of the diet lasts 23 to 40 days, and it’s essential for the program’s success. As long as you take hCG injections throughout this low-calorie phase, you should continue to lose weight safely with minimal side effects. Options Medical Weight Loss team members administer injections and monitor your weight loss progress.

The Options hCG System Phase III: During this third phase, you enter a metabolic reset to promote healthy metabolism and long-term weight management for ongoing weight loss. Stop taking hCG injections and start working with a weight loss counselor to incorporate healthy foods into your diet. The counselor may recommend low-glycemic foods, for example.

Get started with Options Medical Weight Loss today!

FDA-Approved Appetite Suppressants & Other Prescription Weight Loss Medications

Options Medical Weight Loss offers prescription weight loss medication when appropriate. If a physician determines weight loss medication can help you achieve your goals, you could receive a prescription.

Appetite suppressants and other prescription weight loss medications available through Options Medical Weight Loss include:

Lipotropic Fat Burning Injections: Lipotropic injections can help your body burn fat. They work more effectively than oral supplements because the ingredients pass your digestive tract and go straight into your cells where they’re needed. The injections are designed to complement other parts of your medically supervised weight loss program.

Phentimate: Phentimate is an FDA-approved appetite suppressant that blocks hunger signals in your brain, helping you naturally eat less food and lose weight. The medication works by restoring the balance of normal nerve activity, decreasing appetite, and increasing fullness.

ProNovis: ProNovis is another appetite suppression medication designed to control food cravings. Some also use it to stop smoking, regardless of the weight loss effects.

Options Complete: Options Medical Weight Loss offers Options Complete, a medication offering a complete solution to chronic weight management. It’s ideal for those interested in long-term appetite suppression.

GLP-1s: Glucagon-like peptide 1s, or GLP-1s, can help patients lose 15% to 20% of their body weight, according to the official Options Medical Weight Loss website. This medication uniquely interacts with metabolic pathways, mimicking your body’s natural hormones to suppress appetite and stabilize blood sugar.

Phentermine: Options Medical Weight Loss offers phentermine, the most commonly-used appetite suppressant in the industry. It works by stimulating the hypothalamus gland and certain neurotransmitters, which increases metabolism and reduces hunger.

Also Read: Phentermine Alternatives (2023 Updated) Top-Rated Over The Counter Diet Pills

Other FDA-Approved Medications: According to Options Medical Weight Loss, clinics offer “a wide range of FDA-approved medications” in addition to the options listed above. A physician can assess your needs, then determine the best medication to achieve your weight loss goals.

Other Weight Loss Solutions & Services

Options Medical Weight Loss takes a customized approach to weight loss. The company offers a range of medically supervised weight loss programs for all different adults with all different bodies and weight loss goals.

Some of the other weight loss solutions and services include:

Physician Supervised Programs: Options Medical Weight Loss offers general physician-supervised weight loss programs. A board-certified obesity doctor can design a custom program for you based on your unique medical history, biomarkers, and weight loss goals.

B12 Injections: Options Medical Weight Loss offers vitamin B12 (cobalamin) injections. Vitamin B12 is one of eight B vitamins needed to ensure nerve tissue’s proper functioning and health. It’s also critical for brain function, red blood cells, and more. All of these things impact energy and metabolism. By taking a vitamin B12 injection, you could increase weight loss results.

One-on-One Counseling: Options Medical Weight Loss offers general one-on-one counseling for those at any phase of their weight loss journey. Weekly one-on-one counseling sessions can help you stay accountable and ensure you’re on the right path toward reaching your weight loss goals.

See what people are saying about Options Medical Weight Loss >>>

What to Expect with Options Medical Weight Loss’s Options Diet System

Options Medical Weight Loss’s flagship weight loss program is the Options Diet System. Available in prescription and non-prescription options, the Options Diet System walks you through three phases of weight loss, with or without prescription medication, including:

Phase I: Medically Supervised Weight Loss with Metabolic Reset: The first phase involves resetting your metabolism. This phase involves nutritional guidance for optimal fat loss and increased metabolism, helping you naturally burn more calories at rest. If medication is appropriate, you may receive a prescription for FDA-approved appetite suppressants, fat-burning injections, and other weight loss medication. According to the official website, patients achieve up to 50% of their weight loss goal in Phase I.

Phase II: Education on Food: The next phase educates you on food’s glycemic index and recommends low glycemic food choices. The glycemic index can help you understand which foods are healthy and which are not. Higher blood glucose and insulin levels are associated with consuming foods with a high glycemic index. To successfully diet, you need to incorporate low GI foods and avoid high GI foods, according to Options Medical Weight Loss. According to the official website, patients achieve up to 70% of their weight loss goal in Phase II.

Phase III: Discover Practical Tools & Lifelong Tips: This final phase ensures your new weight becomes your lifestyle. You’ll learn practical tools and discover lifelong nutrition tips, for example. You’ll discover how to reduce your future risk of type two diabetes, lower your cholesterol, and drop your risk of cardiovascular disease because of elevated BMI and body fat percentage.

Overall, Options Medical Weight Loss’s Options Diet System offers medically supervised weight loss from a board-certified obesity doctor to give you the safest, most effective weight loss care.

Lose weight with the help of Options Medical Weight Loss >>>

How Does InBody Technology Work?

All Options Medical Weight Loss programs use InBody technology to manage biometrics. This technology tracks your fat mass, body fat percentage, skeletal muscle mass, water weight, and metabolism to comprehensively view your body’s composition.

Your Options Medical Weight Loss counselor will analyze your InBody test results, then use this information to recommend the optimal weight loss program for your unique physiology.

InBody measures things like:

  • Fat mass
  • Skeletal muscle mass
  • Body fat percentage
  • Water weight
  • Metabolism

Your weight doesn’t tell the whole story. Some people are carrying excess water weight. Others have high skeletal muscle mass, while some have high body fat percentages. A weight loss plan for one person may not work for another.

  • InBody is a crucial component of Options Medical Weight Loss technology. Instead of following a “one size fits all” diet, you can get customized diet advice.

Options Medical Weight Loss Reviews: How Much Weight Can You Lose?

The official Options Medical Weight Loss website is filled with testimonials from patients who have lost significant weight using the company’s weight loss programs. Patients attach before-and-after images, video testimonials, and more to verify their weight loss results.

Some of the weight loss results and reviews include:

  • One woman lost 148.6 lbs with the Options Diet System. She started in August 2019 after struggling with other weight loss programs unsuccessfully.
  • Other patients claim to have lost 27.4 lbs, 47.6 lbs, 33 lbs, or 13.6 lbs with the Options Diet System.

Options Medical Weight Loss has strong reviews online, including impressive reviews on Facebook, Yelp, and Google. The company carries a rating of 4.9 stars on Facebook, 4.7 stars on Google, and 4.3 stars on Yelp. Some locations also have even higher ratings, including perfect 5-star ratings.

Generally, patients seem happy with their Options Medical Weight Loss experience. They’re satisfied with the experience overall, the price they paid, and the customized weight loss advice they received.

Click here to read reviews from real patients >>>

Options Medical Weight Loss Locations

Options Medical Weight Loss offers its services online, including free consultations. However, you’ll need to visit an Options Medical Weight Loss clinic in-person for certain weight loss services.

Options Medical Weight Loss offers clinics in all of the following locations:

  • Chandler, Arizona
  • Chicago South Loop
  • Glenview, Illinois
  • Chicago Lakeview
  • Naperville, Illinois
  • Oak Lawn, Illinois
  • Orland Park, Illinois
  • Park Ridge, Illinois
  • Willowbrook, Illinois
  • Carmel, Indiana
  • St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Largo, Florida
  • Tampa, Florida
  • Brandon, Florida
  • Dublin, Ohio
  • Gahanna, Ohio
  • Strongsville, Ohio
  • Westlake, Ohio

About Options Medical Weight Loss

Options Medical Weight Loss is a medically supervised weight loss clinic with over a dozen locations across the United States. Each clinic has a team of board-certified doctors trained in obesity medicine. The company is led by Dr. Katrina Mattingly, a board-certified obesity medicine specialist, and Chief Medical Officer.

You can contact Options Medical Weight Loss via the following:

  • Phone: 888-405-5673
  • Online Form & Free Consultation Request: https://optionsmedicalweightloss.com/contact-us/

On the official website, you can also view phone numbers and contact information for specific Options Medical Weight Loss clinics.

Final Word

Options Medical Weight Loss offers medically supervised weight loss online and via clinics across the United States. With Options Medical Weight Loss, you can get customized weight loss advice, prescription weight loss medication, and other necessary solutions.

To learn more about Options Medical Weight Loss or to sign up for a free consultation today, visit the official website.

Also Read: Metaboost Connection Review – Weight Loss Program for Women

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Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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