REI Garage Sale Retires: How REI Used Gear Became our New Best Friend!

REI Resupply Green Pivot: The Rise of the Used Gear Platform and REI Trade In Program

Ah, the good old days! Who among us does not reminisce fondly about those wild nights spent in the parking lot of an REI store, crammed into a sleeping bag, and dreaming about the treasures that the dawn would bring? The REI Garage Sale was a tradition like no other, a peculiar blend of Black Friday madness, a treasure hunt, and a camping trip.

Remember how we used to huddle together under the dim glow of streetlights, guarding our spots like warriors preparing for battle, only to be offered a $50 mystery box filled with random REI merchandise that also granted us early access to the REI Garage Sale? What a twist! The shock! The drama! Suddenly, the entire ordeal of sleeping outside in the cold lost its heroic charm. After all, what was the point of braving the elements when you could just buy your way in?

Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!

And then, there was the thrilling obstacle course of making it to the line. Picture this: it’s the crack of dawn, and you’re attempting to parkour over cars swerving into the parking lot, all while clutching a lukewarm thermos of coffee in one hand and your carefully compiled wish list in the other. Ah, what we wouldn’t do for a good deal on an REI fleece or a secondhand climbing harness!

A Farewell to the REI Garage Sale

Parkouring over cars to the line

Telling ourselves waking up at 3 am was fine

For a used tent and a puffy vest

Now we shop online, truly the best

Trade in your camping gear for your computer mouse

Swap the cold, hard concrete for your cozy couch

Explore REI Used Gear today!


But those days are long gone, thanks to our old friend Covid. As we all retreated into the safety of our homes, REI too had to adapt. Thus, the REI Garage Sale was transformed into the REI Used Gear online platform.

Now, you can browse the secondhand treasures from the comfort of your own home, no sleeping bag required. Instead of rushing through a crowded sale, trying to beat everyone else to the best deals, you can calmly and methodically search the website. You can filter by category, brand, condition, size, and price. No longer do you need to worry about being trampled in the mad rush for a half-price kayak or a gently used backpack.

Moreover, REI Used Gear online brings an element of sustainability. By extending the life of gear and clothing, we can reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing new products. Not only are you scoring great deals, but you’re also helping out our planet.

Indeed, the move to REI Used Gear online has made the shopping experience much more civilized, and dare I say it, much more enjoyable. But as we scroll through the pages of used gear, sipping our hot coffee in the quiet of our homes, we can’t help but smile at the memory of those chaotic REI Garage Sales.

Dive into deals with REI Resupply!


Introduction to REI Used Gear

Gone are the days of camping out overnight in the REI parking lot, ready to dive into a sea of returned, overstocked, or slightly damaged outdoor goods. Gone are the days of jostling with fellow outdoor enthusiasts for that half-price kayak or gently used hiking boot pair. And most importantly, gone are the days of those delectable $50 mystery boxes. But don’t shed a tear just yet!

Enter REI Used Gear, the knight in shining armor that emerged amidst the chaos of the Covid-19 pandemic. When the world pressed ‘pause’, and our beloved REI Garage Sales were no more, REI resupply took a leap into the virtual realm, rescuing all those adventure seekers from the depths of discount-deprivation.

REI Used Gear is the online platform that came to the rescue, providing a haven for all the secondhand outdoor gear you can imagine. From hiking boots with just a hint of mud to camping stoves that have whipped up maybe a handful of meals, REI Used Gear offers a wide array of pre-loved items just waiting for their next adventure.

So, while we may not be able to rub elbows with fellow bargain hunters in the early morning chill anymore, we can now shop for deals from the comfort of our couches. And let’s be honest, who really wants to perform acrobatics over speeding vehicles at 5 a.m. just to secure a good deal on a sleeping bag?

As it turns out, every cloud, or in this case, a global pandemic, really does have a silver lining. So, let’s dive into the world of REI Used Gear, where every day is a Garage Sale, minus the camping and chaos.

Start saving with REI Used Gear.


How to Access REI Used Gear

In the good old days, finding the REI Garage Sale required a complex set of skills. You had to interpret the cryptic messages in the REI resupply newsletter, divine the right location, and navigate the urban jungle to find the right parking lot. Not to mention, you had to rise before the sun and arm yourself with a flask of strong coffee.

Fast forward to the present. To find the REI Used Gear platform, all you need is an internet connection and a comfy chair. Simply navigate to the REI website and look for the ‘Used Gear’ link nestled comfortably at the top of the page. Click on it and voila! You’re in the virtual equivalent of the coveted REI Garage Sale, but without the risk of tripping over tent poles or getting elbowed in the ribs.

If you’re an existing REI member, log in with your usual details and get ready to dive into a sea of deals. If you’re new to the world of REI, welcome! Signing up is as easy as pie (and much less stressful than setting up a camping chair in a crowded parking lot at 4 a.m.). Simply click on ‘Sign Up’ and follow the prompts. In no time, you’ll be ready to join the ranks of bargain hunters in the digital age.

Keep in mind that REI still offers deep discounts on new gear through the REI Outlet Online.

So, trade in your camping gear for your computer mouse, and swap the cold, hard concrete for a cozy couch. The world of REI Used Gear is just a click away!

Upgrade your gear with REI Resupply.


Strategies for Shopping on REI Used Gear

In the days of the REI Garage Sale, strategy was key. You needed the agility of a mountain goat to navigate the labyrinth of gear, the patience of a saint to endure the long lines, and the foresight of a seasoned meteorologist to dress appropriately for the unpredictable predawn weather.

But today, shopping for used gear at REI resupply is as easy as a Sunday morning. No need for endurance training or honing your parkour skills, that perfect REI Bike may be awaiting.

Here are a few tips to navigate the REI Used Gear platform like a pro:

  • Master the Art of Filtering: Remember the days of sifting through mountains of gear to find your size or preferred brand? Say goodbye to that. With REI Used Gear, you can use filters to narrow down your search. Looking for a size medium Patagonia jacket? Simply select ‘Patagonia’ under ‘Brands’, and ‘M’ under ‘Sizes’. It’s as simple as that. No elbow grease required.
  • Bookmark Your Favorites: See something you love, but not ready to commit? Just add it to your favorites. It’s like setting aside a great find at the REI Garage Sale, but without the fear of someone snatching it up when you turn your back.
  • Timing is Everything: While you no longer need to set an alarm for an ungodly hour, timing can still play a role in snagging a great deal. Keep an eye on the website regularly, as new items are added frequently. Unlike the Garage Sale, you won’t need to pack a breakfast burrito to fuel your early morning shopping spree.

So, forget the battle of the early bird and enjoy the ease of online browsing. With these strategies, you’ll be a virtual vulture for value in no time!

Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!

Grading of Gear Post REI Garage Sale

The REI Garage Sale grading system was like traffic lights for gear. Green was go, yellow meant caution, and red was… well, let’s just say you needed to be a fan of ‘character’. But if you were ever worried about mistakenly grabbing a red when you thought it was a green (those predawn lighting conditions could be deceptive), fear no more.

REI Used Gear has adopted a similar, but much more detailed, grading system.

Here’s the lowdown:

  • Excellent: These items are the “green” of the online world. Returned items that are so close to new, you’d be hard-pressed to find a scuff. They’re like those rare Garage Sale finds that made you wonder if the previous owner even knew what “outdoors” meant.
  • Good: Think of these as the “yellow” items. They’ve seen some action, but they’re not ready to retire. A scratch here, a scuff there, but still in great working order. It’s like that slightly worn climbing gear that whispered tales of epic ascents.
  • Fair: The online equivalent of “red”. These items have lived a full life. They bear the marks of their adventures, but they’re still functional. A bit like that tent you once found at the REI Garage Sale, complete with a patchwork quilt of repairs. It might not win any beauty contests, but it’ll keep you dry in a storm.

So, while you might miss the thrill of the gamble, with REI Used Gear, you’ll always know the hand you’re being dealt. No more unexpected surprises, just good, honest gear.

REI Used Gear: Quality meets savings.


What to Look Out for with REI Used Gear Trade Ins

Navigating the REI Garage Sale was a bit like a treasure hunt. You had to spot the diamond in the rough, or in this case, the tent that only leaks when it doesn’t rain. But with REI Used Gear, the process is a bit more straightforward, albeit less adventurous.

Here are some tips to help you pick the best gear and avoid any potential pitfalls:

  • Read the Fine Print: With REI Used Gear, you don’t have to play detective and scrutinize every inch of a product in person. However, it’s still crucial to read the product descriptions and notes from the inspectors. It’s like chatting with the Garage Sale volunteer who gives you the inside scoop, minus the small talk.

  • Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: Or in this case, don’t judge a gear by its photo. Images can be deceiving. A sleeping bag might look flawless in the photo but read the notes and you might find it has an insatiable hunger for zippers.

  • Be Realistic About Gear Grades: Remember, “Fair” is not just a grade, it’s a fair warning. If an item is graded as “Fair”, be prepared for some visible signs of wear and tear. It might be a great deal, but make sure it’s a deal that works for you. Don’t let the bargain hunter in you override your practical side. It’s like that heavily patched backpack at the REI Garage Sale. Yes, it’s cheap, but will it survive your next hike?

So, while you might miss the thrill of the REI Garage Sale’s “what will I find?” anticipation, with REI Used Gear, you can shop with a clear head and a full understanding of what you’re getting. Just remember to keep your wits about you, and you’ll be fine.

Try REI Resupply for your adventure.


Purchasing on REI Used Gear

Remember the frenzied rush at the REI Garage Sale when the gates finally opened? The dash to grab your desired items, the jostling at the checkout line, the silent prayers that the person ahead of you didn’t snag the last camp stove? Well, you can leave those memories in the past where they belong.

Purchasing on REI Used Gear is as peaceful as a serene mountain lake.

Here’s a simple guide to help you on your way:

  1. Find Your Gear: Browse through the various categories or use the search function to find the gear you’re after. No need for binoculars or a treasure map here.

  2. Add to Cart: Found something you like? Simply click on the item for more details, then hit the ‘Add to Cart’ button. It’s like grabbing an item at the REI Garage Sale, but without the fear of someone snatching it from your hands.

  3. Check Out: When you’re ready, navigate to your cart. Take a moment to review your items (no rush, no line behind you), then proceed to checkout.

  4. Payment: REI Used Gear accepts various payment methods, including REI Co-op Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, REI gift cards, and PayPal. Sorry, no bartering with trail mix here.

That’s it! No more standing in line, no more lugging your finds around, no more wrestling with fellow shoppers over the last pair of hiking boots. Just a few clicks and you’re done.

Sustainable shopping? Try REI Used Gear.


REI Used Gear Shipping Policies

If you have fond memories of lugging your REI Garage Sale finds to your car, trying to figure out how to fit a kayak, REI Bike, a REI tent, electric bike, and a mountain bike into your compact sedan, then the REI Used Gear shipping policies might just bring a tear to your eye.

No more Tetris skills required. No more strapping a kayak to your roof with shoelaces.

Here’s how shipping works with REI Used Gear:

  • Delivery Time: Once you’ve completed your purchase, REI Used Gear aims to get your gear to you as swiftly as a downhill skier. While delivery times can vary depending on your location and the time of your order, you can generally expect your gear to arrive within 3-7 business days. Just enough time to clear some space in your garage.

  • Shipping Charges: As for shipping charges, they’re as elusive as a Yeti in the wild. For REI Co-op members, shipping is free on orders of $50 or more. Non-members may have to pay a small shipping fee, but considering you don’t have to haul your purchases home yourself, it’s a small price to pay.

So, sit back, relax, and let REI resupply do the heavy lifting. Your gear will be delivered right to your doorstep, no bicep strength required.

Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!

REI Resupply Return Policy

Who can forget the “all sales final” policy at the REI Garage Sale? That tent you bought that collapses in a slight breeze? Yours forever. But with REI Used Gear, they’ve given a big thumbs down to buyer’s remorse.

With REI Used Gear, you can return your purchases without any dramatic farewell.

Here’s how the REI return policy works:

  • Time Frame: REI resupply gives you a full 30 days to decide whether you and your new gear are a match made in outdoor heaven. That’s 30 days to test, try, and triple-check your gear, which is 30 days more than the Garage Sale ever gave you.

  • Conditions: If your gear is not living up to your expectations, or if it’s just not what you thought it was, you can return it. However, remember that the gear must still be in the same condition as when it was delivered to you. If you’ve used it on a week-long trek in the wilderness, it might not be returnable.

  • How to Return: To initiate a return, simply log into your account, go to your order history, and follow the steps for returns. No need to make a pilgrimage back to the store, pleading your case to a sympathetic employee.

So, wave goodbye to the anxiety of final sale. With REI Used Gear, you’ve got the flexibility to change your mind. Just remember, gear is like a good hiking buddy: you want to treat it well, even if you decide to part ways.

REI Resupply: Your outdoor gear solution.


REI Resupply Exchanges

Ah, the good old days of the REI Garage Sale. Bought a tent that’s more like a colander when it rains? Tough luck, all sales were final. But with REI Used Gear, they’ve brought a little more peace of mind to the table.

Gone are the days when you’d have to live with your decisions, no matter how questionable. REI Used Gear understands that sometimes, what looked like a “Good” deal might turn out to be a “Fair” disappointment.

Here’s how their exchange policy works:

  • Policy: Unfortunately, REI Used Gear doesn’t offer direct exchanges on used gear. It’s not that they’re being picky, but due to the unique nature of each item, they can’t guarantee an exact replacement.

  • What You Can Do: However, don’t despair! If you’re not happy with your purchase, you can return the item (more on that in the next section) and then keep an eye out for a suitable replacement on the platform. It’s a bit like going back to the REI Garage Sale the next day, but without having to wake up at the crack of dawn.

So, while you can’t swap your gear like trading cards, you’re not stuck with your purchase forever. It’s a little more roundabout, but it’s all part of the REI Used Gear adventure.

Discover savings with REI Used Gear.


REI Resupply REI Membership Benefits

REI Co-op membership was like the golden ticket at the REI Garage Sale. It got you into the event, but the rest was up to your wits and agility. With REI Used Gear, the benefits of membership are like a well-stocked trail mix – a bit more substantial and definitely more satisfying.

  • Free Shipping: Co-op members enjoy free shipping on orders over $50. So you can fill your cart without worrying about extra costs creeping in. It’s like having your own personal sherpa to carry your gear home, but without the awkward conversation about the weather.

  • Member-Only Gear & Sales: As a member, you’ll also have access to member-only gear and sales. It’s like getting first dibs at the REI Garage Sale, but without having to camp out the night before.

  • Annual Dividend: Best of all, you earn a 10% annual dividend on eligible purchases, which you can spend on more gear. It’s like finding a forgotten $20 in your Garage Sale jacket, but way more consistent.

  • Becoming a Member: Not a member yet? Joining the REI Co-op is easy. Simply sign up online or in-store for a one-time fee of $20. It’s cheaper than that thermos you found at the REI Garage Sale and it lasts a lifetime.

So, while you might miss the camaraderie of your fellow REI Garage Sale campers, being an REI Co-op member means you can enjoy the thrill of the hunt from the comfort of your own home, with a few added perks.

Adventure awaits with REI Resupply.


REI Used Gear Resupply Conclusion

As we bid a fond and slightly sarcastic farewell to the REI Garage Sale, let’s not forget the dawn of a new era: REI Used Gear. A platform that’s taken everything we loved about the Garage Sale – the thrill of the hunt, the joy of a great deal – and packaged it into an easy-to-use online platform, minus the overnight camping and dawn stampedes.

With REI Used Gear, you can browse a vast selection of items from the comfort of your couch, no sleeping bag required. You have the tools to narrow down your search, and the best part? There’s no race to the checkout line.

Gear is graded using an easy-to-understand system, providing transparency and peace of mind. And unlike the REI Garage Sale, you don’t have to settle for your impulsive decisions. If your gear isn’t quite what you expected, you have the opportunity to return it.

Co-op members reap extra benefits, from free shipping to exclusive gear and sales. And if you’re not a member yet, consider joining the co-op to elevate your REI Used Gear experience.

So, while we’ll always cherish the chaotic memories of the REI Garage Sale, let’s toast to the convenience and simplicity of REI Used Gear. It’s time to welcome a new era of treasure hunting. So grab your mouse, fire up your laptop, and let the adventure begin.

Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!


REI Used Gear Frequently Asked Questions

What is REI’s Used Gear program?

REI’s Used Gear program is a platform where you can buy used outdoor gear and clothing that have been returned to REI. The items available vary from day to day, and the prices are significantly lower than buying new. It’s essentially like an online garage sale without the lines. Not to be confused with the REI Outlet Online which offers new but significantly marked down items.

Who can trade-in gear at REI Resupply?

Only REI Co-op members can trade in their gear. If you’re not a member, it costs $20 for a lifetime membership.

Explore REI Used Gear today!


What kinds of items are accepted for trade-in?

REI Resupply accepts jackets, vests, pants, sleeping bags and pads, tents, packs, hiking boots, and running shoes. They do not accept base layers, swimwear, undergarments, electronics, safety gear, broken or damaged items, items more than 6 years old, or items that were never sold at REI Resupply. However, this is not a comprehensive list, and REI has a searchable database where you can look up your used gear to see if it’s eligible for trade-in.

How does the trade-in process work?

After checking that your gear is eligible for trade-in, REI will send you shipping supplies. Once REI receives your items and assesses their value, they will email you store credit. You can even trade in items you didn’t buy at REI, as long as they are products the co-op has sold in the last 6 years.

Dive into deals with REI Resupply!


How is the value of used gear determined?

The value of used gear is determined by its condition and the resale value. REI will offer up to 50% of an item’s resale value in the form of gift card credit. The maximum value goes to items in “excellent condition”, but REI will accept eligible products down to “well worn” condition.

What kinds of items can I buy from the REI Used Gear program?

The items available vary day by day, but you can sort by category, activity, or men’s, women’s, and children’s gear/clothes. You can also sort by condition (excellent, lightly worn, moderately worn, well worn) with corresponding price drops. Discounts can be up to 50% off or more, depending on the item and its condition.

Start saving with REI Used Gear.


What is the condition of the items sold in the REI Used Gear program?

REI employees inspect the returned gear and list each item for sale with varying discounts based on its condition. The listings mention any cosmetic blemishes, marks, debris, or general wear and tear on each item.

What is the environmental impact of the REI Used Gear program?

The REI Used Gear program helps keep worn but still usable items out of landfills. It also reduces manufacturing waste and energy consumption, as buying a used item means you aren’t buying it new. This can make a significant difference over the course of your outdoor recreation career.

Upgrade your gear with REI Resupply.


What are the benefits of being an REI Co-op member?

REI Co-op members get a number of benefits, including access to the Used Gear Trade-In program, and 10% back on full-price purchases.

What are some examples of discounts on the REI Used Gear site?

The discounts can vary greatly. For instance, the GSI Outdoors Pinnacle Dualist Cookset was listed for $27.83, which is 53% off the new price. A pair of Salomon X Ultra 3 Mid GTX Hiking Boots was listed for $80.93, which is 50% off the new price. The North Face Osito Fleece Jacket was listed for $48.83, which is 51% off the new price.

REI Used Gear: Quality meets savings.


Trade In and Tune Up: A Guide to REI Trade Ins

Welcome to the next chapter in sustainable adventuring: the REI Trade Ins. This innovative program, an extension of REI’s Used Gear platform, invites members of the REI Co-op to trade in their eligible used gear in return for REI store credit. This means your well-loved items can find new life, keeping the adventure going and your wallet a little fuller.

But the REI Used Gear Trade-In Program is not just about scoring a deal on your next pair of hiking boots or your dream tent. It’s also a key part of REI’s commitment to sustainability. By giving used gear a second life, REI is taking a stand against the cycle of consumption and waste, helping to reduce the environmental footprint of the outdoor industry.

This initiative is a win-win: REI members get to declutter and earn credit toward their next purchase, while contributing to a more sustainable future for outdoor adventure. Let’s delve deeper into how the REI Trade-In Program works and how you can participate in this pioneering approach to gear shopping and recycling.

Start Trading with REI Trade In!


Eligibility for the REI Trade In Program

To participate in the REI Used Gear Trade In Program, you first need to be a member of the REI Co-op. If you’re not already a member, don’t worry—it’s simple to join, and it comes with a host of benefits beyond access to the REI trade-in program.

Becoming an REI Co-op member involves a one-time fee of $20, which secures you a lifetime membership. With this, you’ll get access to annual dividends, members-only special offers, and access to in-store Garage Sales. Not to mention, you’re becoming a part of a community that values outdoor adventure and sustainability.

Once you’re a member, you’re eligible to participate in the REI Trade-In Program. All you need to do is log into your REI account, and you’re ready to start trading in your used gear.

So, if you’ve been thinking about joining the REI Co-op, now’s the perfect time! With the addition of the REI trade-ins program, your membership is more valuable than ever.

Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!


Determining Item Eligibility for REI Trade Ins

Once you’re an REI Co-op member, you might be wondering which of your used gear is eligible for trade-in. REI has set clear guidelines for this, accepting a range of items that are in good condition and have been part of REI’s product line in the last six years.

The categories of items that are accepted for REI trade in include jackets, vests, pants, sleeping bags and pads, tents, packs, hiking boots, and running shoes. This means that your trusty trail runners or that tent you’ve only used a few times could earn you some store credit!

However, not everything is up for trade. Items that are not accepted include base layers, REI Bikes, swimwear, undergarments, electronics, safety gear, broken or damaged items, items more than six years old, and items that were never sold at REI.

If you’re unsure whether your item is eligible, you can visit the REI trade ins page on the REI website and look up your product. This searchable database will tell you whether your item is eligible for REI trade-in and provide an estimate of how much store credit you could receive.

Remember, the goal of the REI Used Gear Trade In Program is to extend the life of outdoor gear. So, the gear you trade in should still have some miles left in it, ready for its next adventure!

REI Trade Ins: Swap Old for New!


The REI Trade In Process

Once you’ve determined that your items are eligible for REI trade in, the process of actually trading them in is straightforward.

First, you’ll need to visit the trade-in page on the REI website and log in to your REI Co-op member account. You can then use the search function to find your item in the database. If it’s eligible for REI trade ins, you’ll be able to see an estimate of how much store credit you could receive.

After you’ve confirmed that you want to trade in your item, REI will send you shipping supplies to make the process as hassle-free as possible. All you need to do is pack up your gear and send it off.

Once REI receives your item, they will assess its condition and determine the final value. The amount of store credit you receive will depend on the item’s condition and market value.

Once everything is said and done, REI will email you with your store credit. Best of all, you can use this credit towards any purchase at REI, whether it’s new gear or used gear from the REI Used Gear platform.

With the REI Used Trade-In Program, it’s easier than ever to keep your gear in circulation and out of the landfill, all while earning credit towards your next adventure!

Try REI Trade In for Gear Upgrades.


Valuation of REI Trade-In Items

Determining the value of your REI trade-in items is a crucial part of the process. REI uses a set of criteria to assess the condition of your gear and estimate its resale value.

The criteria are based on the condition of the item. The better the condition, the higher the estimated value. Items in ‘excellent condition’, which means they’re practically new and likely never worn outside, can fetch up to 50% of their original resale value in the form of store credit. But don’t worry, even items in ‘well worn’ condition, showing visible wear, can still be traded in.

It’s also important to note that the final value is determined once REI has received and assessed your item. An item that was estimated to have a certain value might end up being worth more or less depending on its actual condition.

The form of compensation for your REI trade in is store credit, which will be emailed to you once the assessment is complete. This REI credit card can be used on any purchase at REI, giving you the freedom to choose your next piece of gear or clothing.

REI Trade Ins: Your Gear’s New Life.


Trading in Non-REI Purchases

Interestingly, the REI Trade In Program is not exclusive to items originally purchased from REI. You can trade in gear you’ve bought elsewhere as long as it aligns with REI’s accepted categories and condition criteria.

The key is that the item should be something the co-op has sold in the last 6 years. So, if you have a quality jacket from a well-known brand that REI carries, you might be able to trade it in, even if you didn’t buy it at REI.

Just like with items bought at REI, you can check the eligibility of non-REI items on the trade-in page. Enter the product details in the searchable database to see if it’s eligible for REI trade-ins and what its estimated value might be.

This aspect of the program is a testament to REI’s commitment to sustainability. By accepting items not originally bought from their stores, they’re increasing the amount of used gear that gets a second life and reducing the amount of gear that ends up in landfills.

Revamp with REI Trade In Today.


Benefits of the REI Trade In Program

The REI Trade In Program is a win-win, both for your wallet and the planet.

Financially, the program offers a fantastic opportunity to turn your unused or unwanted gear into store credit, which you can use to invest in new gear or outdoor essentials. You can get up to 50% of an item’s resale value in the form of gift card credit. While this may not be as much as you might get if you sold the item yourself, the convenience of the process and the guarantee of the REI brand might make it worth your while. Plus, you’re getting value out of gear that might otherwise just be gathering dust.

Environmentally, the program is a crucial part of REI’s sustainability initiatives. By promoting the re-use of gear, the program helps to reduce the demand for new products and the environmental impact associated with their production. It also helps to keep usable items out of landfills. So, by participating in the program, you’re not just decluttering your gear closet – you’re also doing your part for the planet.

REI Trade Ins: Exchange and Explore!


Conclusion on REI Trade Ins

In conclusion, the REI Trade In Program offers a simple and sustainable way to turn your unwanted gear into store credit. By participating, you’re not only making the most out of your old gear, but also contributing to REI’s broader sustainability efforts. The program is open to REI Co-op members and covers a wide range of outdoor gear, making it a flexible option for those looking to upgrade or declutter.

Whether you have a lightly worn jacket that no longer fits, a tent that’s been replaced by a newer model, or hiking boots that have seen better days, consider giving them a new lease of life through the REI Trade Ins. After all, one outdoor enthusiast’s unused gear could be another’s treasure. So why not take a moment to sort through your gear and see what could be traded in? You might just find that you’re sitting on a pile of store credit waiting to be claimed, all while helping to keep our planet greener. Give it a try, your old gear (and Mother Earth) will thank you!


Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!


REI Trade In FAQs

What is the REI Trade In Program?

The REI Trade Ins allows REI Co-op members to trade in their used gear for store credit. The items must be ones that the REI Co-op has sold.

How do I know if my gear is eligible for REI trade ins?

You can visit the REI trade ins page on REI’s website and look up the products you have to see if they’re eligible.

Turn Old into New with REI Trade In.


What types of gear are accepted?

REI accepts jackets, vests, pants, sleeping bags and pads, tents, packs, hiking boots, and running shoes. They do not accept base layers, swimwear, undergarments, electronics, safety gear, broken/damaged items, items more than 6 years old, or items never sold at REI.

What is the value of my used gear?

REI will offer up to 50% of an item’s resale value in the form of gift card credit. The value depends on the condition of the item.

Get More with REI Trade Ins.


Can I trade in items that I didn’t purchase at REI?

Yes, as long as they are products that the REI Co-op has sold.

What condition does my gear need to be in for REI trade ins?

The maximum value goes to items in “excellent condition”, but REI will accept eligible products down to “well worn” condition.

Trade, Save, Explore with REI Trade In.


How do I trade in my items?

Once you confirm items you can trade in, REI will send you shipping supplies, and after it receives and assesses the value, it will email you store credit.

Can I trade in older items?

You can trade in items that have been sold by REI in the last 6 years.

REI Trade Ins: Renew Your Gear!


What happens if my item is not eligible for trade-in?

If your item is not eligible for a REI trade-in, it won’t be accepted by REI’s program. You can check the eligibility of your items on the trade-in page of REI’s website.

Do I have to be an REI member to trade in my gear?

While the REI trade ins program is open only to REI Co-op members, if you’re not a member, it costs just $20 for a lifetime membership.

Check Out Your Favorite REI Used Gear Section!

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