Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Review – Scam or Legit? Know This Before Buy!

Men’s Testosterone is a nutritional supplement from Endura Naturals built to boost testosterone using natural ingredients.

Available exclusively online through EnduraNaturals.com, the supplement uses ginseng, fenugreek, and other ingredients to support male testosterone levels, give you rock-hard erections, and restore your sexual performance.

Is Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone legit? Can you raise testosterone using natural ingredients? Keep reading our review to learn everything you need about Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone today.

What is Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone?

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone is a booster supplement marketed to men of all ages.

By taking two capsules of Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone daily, you can purportedly enjoy rock-hard erections, develop a raging libido, support laser-sharp focus, and improve lean muscle mass, among other benefits.

Some men take Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone to boost sexual performance and impress their partners. Others take it to feel the same amount of energy and vitality they had in their teens and 20s.

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone is priced at around $60 for a one-month supply, with discounts available when ordering multiple bottles or signing up for the Endura Naturals auto-ship program.

Try Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone today and see the difference!

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Benefits

Endura Naturals markets its testosterone supplement to any man who wants to boost energy, lower estrogen, raise testosterone, and improve sexual performance.

Some of the benefits of Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, according to the official website, include:

  • Get rock-hard erections
  • Eight natural ingredients with no side effects in each capsule
  • Relax muscles and improve blood flow
  • Boost sex drive and libido
  • Address the root cause of sexual dysfunction, including stress and inflammation.
  • Backed by a 60-day money back guarantee

How Does Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Work?

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone uses a blend of natural ingredients that work in different ways to improve sexual function.

Some ingredients, like L-citrulline, target blood flow. They support blood flow throughout your body, making it easy to get and maintain an erection.

Other ingredients, like Tribulus Terrestris and fenugreek, are herbs linked to testosterone and libido. They work in different ways to enhance sex drive and boost your desire to have sex, helping to increase performance.

Some ingredients support stress response or inflammation. When your body is stressed or inflamed, it’s hard to perform in bed. Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone contains eleuthero, ginseng, and other natural ingredients to support your body’s response to stress.

Overall, Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone contains a blend of science-backed ingredients to support sexual function in multiple ways – from reversing ED to improving libido and stamina.

Click here to learn more about Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone >>>

Who Created Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone?

Endura Naturals is led by a man named Jeff. Jeff suffered from severe erectile dysfunction and other sexual dysfunction issues – until he developed Men’s Testosterone and other supplements to help.

Jeff’s ED was so bad that his wife once threatened to call the police on him, kicking him out of his own home. Jeff’s wife ultimately divorced him because he failed in the bedroom.

After struggling with his own ED, Jeff started to research natural remedies. His search led him to the impenetrable rainforests of South America, where he found a collection of herbs that reversed his ED and transformed his manliness.

Excess Estrogen Is the Root Cause of ED and Sexual Dysfunction

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone is primarily marketed as an ED-fighting supplement and testosterone booster. Jeff developed the formula to reverse his own ED.

While Jeff was researching the ingredients within Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, he found a common cause linking many cases of ED and sexual dysfunction: excess estrogen.

The more estrogen you have, the harder it is to get an erection, boost your sex drive, and enjoy the same vitality you had in your youth.

Many ingredients in Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone work by flushing excess estrogen from your system, restoring the balance in favor of testosterone. After doing this, you can purportedly boost energy, improve sleep, reverse ED, and improve many symptoms of sexual function.

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Jeff Discovered the Secret to Testosterone Deep in the Jungle

Jeff has an interesting story about how he developed Men’s Testosterone. Jeff doesn’t claim to be a doctor, nutritionist, or personal trainer; instead, he claims to have worked with an herbalist and shaman to develop the supplement.

Here’s how the story goes:

After Jeff’s wife divorced him, Jeff went on a journey to find himself.

Jeff’s journey led him to an ayahuasca retreat deep in the jungles of South America. He and a friend spent two weeks at the retreat, drinking ayahuasca and “experiencing psychedelic trips that blew our minds,” according to his testimonial.

The retreat was led by a shaman named Shima. Shima partnered with an herbalist named Troy to run the retreat.

Jeff asked Troy if he had any secret ingredients for fixing his ED and sexual dysfunction issues. Troy told Jeff to put a mysterious powder in his coffee each morning.

After taking the powder in his coffee, Jeff felt incredible. He woke up each morning with newfound strength. He was clear-headed, and he felt healthier than he had in years. At 47 years old, he was waking up with morning wood. His body and mind “felt an easy 25 years younger,” according to Jeff.

Jeff returned from the ayahuasca retreat motivated to help other men solve their ED and sexual dysfunction issues using other natural ingredients. Anyone can buy Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone online to enjoy similar benefits.

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Uses a One-Two Punch to Boost Masculinity

Jeff developed Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone based on two goals: to flush excess estrogen and raise testosterone.

By targeting masculinity from two angles, Jeff aims to have created the world’s most effective testosterone-boosting formula. The one-two punch works like this:

  • Step 1) Flush excess estrogen from your system.
  • Step 2) Raise testosterone rapidly.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer!

Jeff Used Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone to Win Back His Wife

After his ayahuasca retreat, Jeff knew he had the power to win back his wife. He traveled back to the United States with renewed vigor.

Before returning home, Jeff visited a brothel in Nevada so he could “check out [his] newfound ‘hardware’ on a real woman,” according to his testimonial.

When Jeff got home, he found a “big 6 foot 3 black football player type” of a guy named John in his house. Jeff kicked John out of the house using his newfound masculine energy, then made love to his wife.

Ultimately, Jeff won back his wife, rejuvenated his sex life, and transformed himself using the magical powder from the jungles of South America. Today, that powder (called D-limonene) is a crucial ingredient in the Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone formula.

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Ingredients

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone contains a blend of ingredients designed to boost male testosterone levels or improve sexual function in multiple ways.

Some ingredients are designed to boost blood flow, making it easier to get an erection. Other ingredients are designed to enhance libido, helping you boost your sex drive.

Here are all of the active ingredients in Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone and how they work, according to Jeff and the formulation team at Endura Naturals:

Active Ingredient #1: Fenugreek for Total Control: Fenugreek is an herb used since ancient times as an aphrodisiac. In Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, the herb helps you “ejaculate exactly when you’re supposed to,” according to Jeff and his formulation team. Jeff refers to it as “jack timing,” and Fenugreek makes it easy to come on command. Fenugreek has also been shown to help boost testosterone.

Active Ingredient #2: Tribulus Terrestris to Supercharge Libido: Tribulus Terrestris has a long history of use as a natural aphrodisiac and modern testosterone booster supplement ingredient. Today, Jeff describes Tribulus Terrestris as a “libido supercharger” for triggering the body to produce more testosterone. It also works by improving pressure inside the blood vessels of your penis, making it easier to get an erection – and enjoy an explosive orgasm.

Active Ingredient #3: Stinging Nettles to Setup an Estrogen Barricade: Stinging nettle helps to set up an “estrogen barricade” in your body, preventing your body from raising estrogen levels even if you consume phytoestrogens (like the phytoestrogens in soy). Stinging nettle can also help regrow hair and support the overall shininess and healthiness of hair.

Active Ingredient #4: Cordyceps as “Himalayan Viagra”: Cordyceps, or Himalayan Viagra, boosts sexual energy and virility, and it has a long history of use in types of traditional Asian medicine for that purpose. However, Jeff found cordyceps also “increases semen,” boosting the intensity and volume of your orgasms.

Active Ingredient #5: L-Citrulline to Boost Blood Flow: L-citrulline can boost blood flow. In fact, L-citrulline is one of the best-known natural blood flow enhancers on the market. Found in many pre-workout supplements and cardiovascular health supplements, L-citrulline is converted into nitric acid, making it easier for blood to flow anywhere in your body.

Active Ingredient #6: Ginseng as “Natural Viagra”: Jeff refers to ginseng as “natural Viagra” for its ability to relax muscles and improve blood flow to the genitals. Long used as a natural aphrodisiac and male energy booster, ginseng has been shown to improve sexual function in men with ED while boosting sperm health, sex drive, fertility, and erection quality.

Active Ingredient #7: Eleuthero to Last All Night Long: Eleuthero comes from the same family as ginseng but works differently. Eleuthero is best known for its effects as an adaptogen, which means it helps support the body’s response to stress. Stress is a sex drive killer. Stress also makes it virtually impossible to get an erection. Eleuthero helps to control your body’s response to stress.

Active Ingredient #8: Black Pepper to Amplify Sexual Function: Black pepper can amplify sexual function, according to Jeff’s research, by boosting the effects of other ingredients within the supplement. Many supplements contain black pepper to enhance absorption. Without black pepper, your body may struggle to absorb the active ingredients in Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone.

Overall, Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone ingredients are designed to take you from an ordinary guy to a porn star, transforming your sex drive, erections, and overall sexual energy within days.

Click here to buy Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone >>>

3 Mistakes Men Make to Lower Testosterone

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone is designed to boost testosterone, reverse ED, and help men recapture the energy and vitality of their youth.

However, you can enhance the effects of Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone by making simple changes to your life. Jeff’s research uncovered harmful modern practices that could raise estrogen and lower testosterone, worsening your sexual performance overall.

Mistakes men make that lower testosterone every day include:

Mistake #1: Drinking Bottled Water: Water is good for you, but bottled water contains a xenoestrogen called BPA. BPA is an estrogen mimicker that could wreak havoc on the male and female body. Studies have linked BPA to man boobs, lowered sperm count, and ED. BPA is virtually unavoidable: it’s found in canned foods, bottled water, pesticides, and even local water supplies.

Mistake #2: Eating Soy: Soy has long been rumored to reduce testosterone, and studies have connected the phytoestrogens in soy to lower testosterone levels. Regular consumption of soy can lead to man boobs, increased water retention, female pattern fat deposition, and mood swings, among other issues.

Mistake #3: Not Getting Enough Sleep: Many men sabotage their sex lives by not getting enough sleep. Your body produces 90% of its most essential hormones as you sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re harming your health, reducing longevity, and inhibiting sexual performance.

Drink Lemon Peel Juice to Raise Testosterone

Jeff of Endura Naturals recommends another tip to lower estrogen and boost testosterone: drinking a beverage made from lemon peels.

Lemon peels are rich in limonene, a natural oil linked to testosterone and male vitality. Drinking a particular type of beverage made from lemon skins daily can purportedly transform male health rapidly.

In fact, Jeff claims he lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks just by drinking a glass of lemon drink every day.

Here’s how the lemon drink works:

  • Squeeze the juice of 4 lemons into a glass
  • Put the lemon peels into a pot of water and boil them
  • Let the contents cool, then re-add lemon juice
  • Drink the mixture

Repeating these steps daily could help one to lose weight, lower estrogen, raise testosterone, and enjoy other powerful benefits. You can drink the beverage on its own. Or, you can drink it while taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone daily.

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What to Expect After Taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone is designed to reverse ED, boost sexual function, and improve overall sexual health and performance in various ways.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, according to the official website:

  • Powerful, rock-hard erections to satisfy your partner better than ever
  • Larger erections
  • A raging libido to ensure you’re ready for sex whenever you want
  • Unstoppable sexual stamina and endurance, allowing you to last for hours and give your partner hair-pulling orgasms
  • Laser-sharp focus inside and outside the bedroom, helping you outcompete others at work, in sports, and social situations
  • A leaner, more muscular, and more masculine body to attract sexy, younger women
  • Better confidence in the bedroom
  • Perfect control over your erection, allowing you to come on command and finish at the moment you choose – not too early or late
  • Give any woman the wildest and most intense orgasms she has ever experienced in her life.
  • Enjoy a “tsunami of blood flow” direct to your penis, giving you a raging boner, unlike anything you’ve experienced in years.
  • Block performance anxiety
  • Fight estrogen, man boobs, and other symptoms of excess female hormone
  • Have sex with your partner on a deep, satisfying level to the point where she forgets about every other guy she’s been with
  • An enhanced ability to focus, be productive, and stop procrastinating

Overall, Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone aims to solve virtually every problem men face in the bedroom – from getting an erection to lasting longer to controlling your orgasm.

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Side Effects

Jeff specifically developed Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone to be free of side effects. The supplement contains natural ingredients designed to boost sexual performance without side effects.

Jeff wanted to create a supplement that worked without the side effects of other popular ED treatments – like TRT gel or Viagra. According to Endura Naturals, over 500+ men have died taking Viagra, and hundreds more have experienced serious side effects.

Because Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone contains natural ingredients, Jeff believes it’s safe for any man to use:

“…I feel so confident…Endura Naturals won’t just work for you…but it’s a completely safe way to help you begin amplifying or even restarting your natural testosterone production.”

Read what others are saying and decide for yourself >>>

How to Take Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone

Jeff recommends taking one serving of the supplement in the morning and another in the evening for optimal effects:

Take Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone twice a day, including 1 in the morning and another serving in the evening

Many men have experienced results within just days of taking the supplement. The longer and more consistently you take the formula, the greater your results will be.

Scientific Evidence for Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone

After winning back his wife with Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, Jeff was impressed with the results – but he wanted to verify the formula with other men before he mass-produced it. Jeff performed a large trial involving 70 men to verify the effectiveness of his supplement. Although Jeff declined to publish the trial online or in a peer-reviewed medical journal, he shares basic details of the study online, including:

The study involved 70 men from Orange County, California. It started with a group of Jeff’s friends and coworkers but ultimately spread to more men.

After “just a few weeks” of taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, 100% of men in the group wanted to buy refills.

Men reported getting erections for no reason, improving symptoms of ED, and boosting overall sexual function in multiple ways using the supplement.

As further evidence of Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone works, Jeff cites studies validating each of the individual ingredients within the formula. Tribulus was shown to improve body composition and endurance over six weeks, for example, while L-citrulline is linked to improvements in cardiometabolic health.

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Reviews: What Do Men Say?

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone has strong reviews online from verified purchasers. Although the supplement is relatively new, many men have left reviews on the official website praising the supplement for reversing ED, improving sexual function, and helping them in other ways.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

One 60-year-old man claims he is easily able to satisfy his wife of 40 years after taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone. As he grew older, he noticed his libido going down. He read about Jeff and his supplement in a newspaper article, then found the supplement quickly changed his life. Now, he feels “21 years old again,” thanks to the formula.

A 56-year-old was “having ED problems” before he started taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone. His doctor had recommended hormone replacement therapy, but he wanted a natural alternative instead. That man began to take Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, describing the supplement as “amazing” for making his body feel good, healthier, and fitter.

Some men claim to have lost fat and added muscle mass after taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone. Testosterone is linked to lower body fat and increased muscle mass, and taking a testosterone supplement could lead to positive changes in weight management.

One man claims Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone “changed my life…and it’s changed my wife’s life, too.” Before taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone, that man had ED.

One verified purchaser claims he hasn’t felt “this strong and clear-headed in years.” Thanks to the supplement, he feels like the old him is back.

According to lab results, one man claims Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone raised his testosterone levels. He’s 55, and his doctor says he has “the testosterone levels of a 25-year-old.”

Another man had similar results. After taking Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone and undergoing a blood test, his doctor said he had “never seen a guy my age with such great testosterone numbers.”

Another man claims Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone “changed my life and restored my marriage.”

Find out what makes Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone so great >>>

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Pricing

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone costs $1.47 to $2.07 per day (per serving), depending on how many bottles you buy. You can save money by purchasing multiple bottles or subscribing to the Endura Naturals auto-ship subscription.

Endura Naturals Men's Testosterone Pricing

Here’s how pricing works when ordering online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $62.10
  • 3 Bottles: $159.30
  • 6 Bottles: $264.60

Get Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone for the best price today!

You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Each Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone bottle contains a 30-day supply of testosterone supplements or 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules daily for health and wellness.

Bonuses Included with Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone

As part of a 2023 promotion, all 1, 3, or 6-bottle Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone purchases come with free bonus guides. You can receive free bonus eBooks and other guides by ordering Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone online today.

Bonus guides include:

  • Superman Stamina
  • Sexual Supercharger
  • The Extender
  • The Ultimate Man
  • Female Code Breaker
  • Ultimate Text Tactics
  • 10 Positions for Women

These eBooks ordinarily retail for $19.95 to $79.95 apiece. However, you receive complimentary, immediate access to all bonus eBooks by buying Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone online today.

Order now & get bonuses >>>

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone Refund Policy

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone has a 60-day money-back guarantee. You can request a complete refund on your purchase within 60 days with no questions asked if you’re unhappy.

  • Returns Address: Endura Naturals 12924 Pierce St, Pacoima, CA 91331

Return any unused bottles of Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone to the returns address above. You can keep the partially empty bottle you used. You’ll receive a full refund on your purchase price.

About Endura Naturals

Endura Naturals is a supplement company launched by a man named Jeff. The company also does business under the name WTS National LLC.

You can contact Endura Naturals and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Phone: (877) 241-3431
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Corporate Address: 8 The Green, Suite A, Dover, DE 19901
  • Returns Address: 12924 Pierce St, Pacoima, CA 91331

Endura Naturals was founded to create science-backed male enhancement supplements. Today, Jeff claims to have helped thousands of men get noticeable results using natural ingredients.

Endura Naturals’ flagship supplement is Men’s Testosterone. The company created Men’s Testosterone and other supplements to help with ED, sexual performance, sex drive, and overall male vitality.

Final Word

Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone is an ED-fighting, testosterone-boosting, estrogen-lowering supplement developed based on a South American jungle remedy.

By taking two capsules of Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone daily, you can supercharge sexual function using a blend of safe, proven ingredients.

To learn more about Endura Naturals Men’s Testosterone and how it works or to buy the supplement online today, visit the official website.

Compare: Testo Prime Review

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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