How to Keep Diabetes under Control?

Diabetes is a global killer, one that we are just slowly coming to grips with, making so many people worry about how to keep it under control. If you have diabetes and are desperately searching for ways to regulate your body’s insulin dependency and want to control your condition better, then you need to read on.

You need good exercises to control Type 2 diabetes and simple lifestyle changes can make a good difference. Icy Health talks about how increased intake of sugar can increase your likelihood of getting the disease. Here are some tips to help you manage diabetes, if you’ve already been diagnosed with it.

It’s time to Put away the Cigarettes

One of the side effects of being a chain smoker is that you run the risk of getting type 2 Diabetes. Moreover, nicotine dependency actually impairs your body’s insulin intake and makes you insulin resistant as well. So cut down on those smokes and try to quit completely. It should help you control your diabetes better.

Junk the Fast Food 

Since you are a diabetic, you would already be following a specific diet plan to help you control your condition better. But remember, no amount of greens or vegetables can undo the damage caused by fast food. 

Be it a pizza or a burger, such items are usually loaded with trans fats, not to mention the high salt content. These result in high blood pressure and will make you prone to cardiovascular diseases as well. So avoid fast food and go in for a more balanced and healthy meal option. In fact, over 84% of foods that are served by fast food vendors are actually unhealthy. 

Exercise Often 

A good workout session will help boost your metabolism and increase the adrenaline in your system while ensuring that you are able to sweat all those extra calories out. Just remember to record a journal detailing your various workout sessions and consult a doctor on your progress. The exercises should help you control your condition better. Without proper exercise, insulin production cab low. It’s easy to damage nerves within the body, which can lead to eye illnesses and other issues.

Stick to the Sugar-Free Regime

If you thought that a cup of orange juice is a healthy option, think again! Juices come loaded with sugar, and while they are almost fat-free, the fact that these contain high levels of sugar is enough to consider them unsafe for people with diabetes. Use artificial sweeteners, should you absolutely want to get some sugar, as they are proven to be beneficial in helping your body maintain its insulin levels. 

Try the home-brewed version with the sugar-free additives. The same goes for coffee and all other sugar-loaded drinks you’re fond of having on a regular basis. 

Increase Fiber Intake 

Make food items loaded with dietary and soluble fiber, like beans and legumes, as part of your regular diet. These food items are packed with all the nutrients your body craves and help bring down your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while flushing the toxins out of your system. Studies suggest that this helps to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease while helping you control your diabetes better.

Abiding by these general rules will keep your diabetes under control. Make a point to search online for additional tips on diabetes, the sort of food you need to consume, and the change you need to make to your lifestyle to help control diabetes better.

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