How To Motivate Yourself To Lose Weight?

Thinking of losing weight? It’s not easy. Your Fitbit tracker or your Apple watch isn’t going to help you. That treadmill that you ordered right to your home wouldn’t help as well.

What you need is that one magical ingredient – dedication.

Happiness, as Aristotle says, is more than an emotion. Instead, it’s a state of being, and you need to learn to be motivated. studies say that while emotions may lead to motivation, you need something more to remain motivated.

You skip the gym for one day, or reward yourself with a cheesy pizza for being so good, and then bam! Before you know it, it’s been months since you headed in the direction of the gym and find yourself hogging away on all sorts of treats.

Motivating Yourself the Right Way

The fact is, not many of us have a strong motivation to stay in shape unless there’s a, let’s say, your wedding coming up or the doctor asked you to lose weight.

So, how do you stay motivated to stay in shape throughout? Here are a few tips and tricks that can help.

1.   Write down what you want to do

Every day, write in your journal that you are in great shape and imagine what it would feel like if you lost weight and could fit into that dress you saw in the window of the shop and walked across it but couldn’t buy it because you couldn’t fit into it.

Better yet, buy that dress and hang it outside your wardrobe. It will be motivation enough to work towards fitting into it.

2.   Set Realistic Goals

Don’t just make vague, airy goals that you will lose weight; set a target: say 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Put on visual cues all over your place and make a note of your progress.

Make a routine. Know what activities that will help you lose weight. Stick to the foods you have to eat and stick to the plan. If you like peppermint tea, which Canada Hustle says is great for losing weight, drink it daily – and consistently. If you don’t like it, have another tea instead. But be consistent, and don’t switch things around.

3.   Partner up with someone

Buddy up with someone who has the same goals as you. Both of you can push and motivate each other to get up every morning and hit the gym or go for a jog, whatever it is that you have planned.

Students enrolling in schools needs to focus on health education, as it can aid them in living a healthy life.

4.   Eat Right           

Losing weight doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself. It just means you have to eat right. If you constantly find yourself binging on food, divide your meals over six to seven times. Eat smaller portions over longer periods of time.

Try to incorporate fresh produce into your diet. Greasy and sugary food only makes you happy for a little while, but it makes you want more pretty soon. Incorporating fresh foods will actually make you feel good, and very soon, your body will want more of the fresh, healthy kind and become averse to unhealthy food. In fact, studies suggest that increasing health motivation can lead to healthier eating and more exercise.

Healthy food will also give you a sense of mental well-being and keep you motivated. Even if you have a slight transgression, don’t feel guilty about it. Enjoy it and leave it there; stressing will only make you want more of it.

It’s really not that difficult to motivate yourself to lose weight. You just have to do it the right way: one

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