Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete Review – Should You Buy DirtyGirl Detox Menopause Hormone Formula?

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to go through menopause? Do you immediately consider alternative topics to divert your attention? For the longest time, talks on the estrogen hormone (also known as the female sex hormone) were ignored, with many people minimizing the effects of low levels on the mind and body. Today, dialogues are taking place so that women from all walks of life are aware of what’s happening in their bodies and why they feel different ways at different times of the day.

In brief, the natural aging process causes estrogen levels to fall, lowering ovarian function. From there, women are likely to go through menopause, which signals the end of women’s reproductive functions. The drawbacks also include a loss of fat-free tissues and muscle mass, decreased bone density, and an increased risk of heart disease. Even more concerning, women are vulnerable to estrogen imbalance, possibly leading to cancer when left untreated.

Having such knowledge, at the very least, allows people to prepare for the worst, right? In this scenario, women may want to consider supplementing their diet with nutrients known to modulate estrogen levels. This is where it is fitting to introduce The Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete.

What is the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete?

EstroBal Complete is an optimized estrogen health formula. The synergistic effects of the selected ingredients, according to the makers, Dirty Girl, can enhance proper estrogen metabolism, which is thought to assist estrogen balance as well as breast and prostate health. Furthermore, this formula might promote fat burning, induce tranquil deep sleep, alleviate menopausal symptoms (such as hot flashes and night sweat relief), reignite libido, raise mood and energy levels, and improve brain fog and skin health.

While examining the formula, our editorial team was astonished to see how a few essential ingredients may have a significant impact. But before we share what they are, let’s take a moment to discuss the significance of estrogen metabolism.

Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete: Try it now, you won’t be disappointed!

How does the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete work?

EstroBal Complete, as mentioned in the introduction, was created with estrogen metabolism in mind. Estrogen is a set of essential hormones that influence reproductive health and fertility. Too much of anything good can be dangerous, and estrogen is no exception. According to one source, having too much estrogen can increase the risk of breast, ovary, prostate, thyroid, and endometrial cancers.

Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete work

Having said that, estrogen production is only one piece of the puzzle, and the other entails metabolism (i.e., when estrogen is broken down into different metabolites). The liver is responsible for most of the breakdown, with some help from the gut. The three main types include estrone (produced in body fat), estradiol (produced in the ovaries), and estriol (secreted by the placenta). Estradiol is considered a good metabolite of the three types because it is weak and will not induce harmful estrogenic activity.

The last two are the most harmful. When left unattended, women who produce estrone and estriol might be at risk of developing cancer and damaged DNA. Remember that poor diet, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, elevated insulin levels, hormone therapy, and chemical exposure are a few examples of lifestyle and environmental factors linked to an imbalance in these metabolites.

The Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete has been formulated to promote balance among the estrogen metabolites by ensuring that the harmful ones are rendered less active while elevating the weaker and more optimistic of the three. Fortunately, specific nutrients can aid the latter by tapping into different estrogen metabolic pathways. In light of this, now is the ideal moment to find out which ones qualified for EstroBal Complete.

Learn more on the official website >>>

What’s inside the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete formula?

Each Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete serving includes:

Calcium (From 1000mg Calcium D-glucarate) – 120mg

Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete Supplement Facts

Calcium-D-glucarate is the calcium salt of D-glucarate. It is primarily present in oranges, apples, grapefruit, and cruciferous vegetables. Regarding how it works, one source suggested that calcium-D-glucarate interacts with an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. The former specifically inhibits the latter, ensuring the estrogen hormone is expelled rather than reabsorbed. Wait, what difference does this make? For one thing, if the body doesn’t require extra estrogen, why keep it?

Second, when materials that should be excreted are returned, they simply add more stress to one’s system. Given how this enzyme accumulates during aging, ingesting calcium-D-glucarate can eliminate its presence and additional stress (which puts the body on alert and further exacerbates imbalance) and restore healthy estrogen levels. In fact, reabsorbed estrogen might also be the reason for increased allergies, PMS symptoms, autoimmune diseases, and cancers.

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Vitamin E (Mixed Tocopherols) – 50mg

Vitamin E is a critical nutrient for the reproductive system, protecting cells from oxidative stress, immune function, and cellular functioning. Many people don’t know that this nutrient might be useful for upkeeping estrogen levels. A systematic evaluation of vitamin E supplementation in postmenopausal women found that it has some effect on hot flashes, vascular modulation, plasma lipid levels, and vaginal changes. Moreover, the researchers mentioned how it might be used as an adjuvant to hormone therapy (particularly in individuals who are contraindicated to estrogen).

DIM (Diindolylmethane) – 200mg

DIM is a compound produced after cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli) are digested. While additional research on its health advantages is needed, promising proof suggests that DIM may be useful for balancing estrogen levels in the body. The latter is due to its capacity for promoting 2-hydroxyestrone, a weaker and more helpful type of estrogen. Additionally, it has been proven to mitigate the effects of the stronger and more dangerous forms (i.e., 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone), which have been associated with weight gain and certain cancer risks.

Lastly, DIM may block aromatase, an enzyme that has been discovered to convert estrogen to testosterone. It’s also worth noting that DIM is widely recommended for reducing menopausal symptoms; however, research in this area is presently conflicting.

Broccoli Extract (Brassica Oleracea) – 40mg

The last of the ingredients is broccoli extract, which sounds just like its name. Surely, DIM is a valuable component present in abundance, but broccoli also contains another known as indole-3-carbinol (I3C). This pair is thought to influence estrogen metabolism by shifting away from 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone and toward the weaker versions. In addition to this pair, broccoli includes sulforaphane, a chemical that is crucial in improving liver detoxification pathways. Again, these pathways ensure that digested estrogen is eliminated or that stronger forms of estrogen metabolites are deactivated and neutralized for optimal health benefits.

Buy Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete today and start enjoying the benefits!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Is the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete safe to take?

A. the ingredients that make up the EstroBal Complete formula have been clinically shown to promote estrogen metabolism, production, and/or balance. Of course, women who have a pre-existing medical condition should seek professional advice before adding anything new to their regimen.

Q. Are there any allergens in the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete?

A. It depends on what women are allergic to. This formula is devoid of the most common types of allergens (i.e., gluten, dairy, soy, tree nuts, and peanuts).

Q. What is the best way to take the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete?

A. To get the most out of the EstroBal Complete, the creators recommend taking two capsules (preferably with a meal).

Q. What types of results can I expect from the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete?

A. When taken consistently, women can expect to experience:

  • Nights free of sweating, hot flashes, and restlessness
  • Improved body temperature and mood regulation
  • Healthy libido and energy levels
  • Control over emotional health and a sense of calmness
  • Clear, glowing skin

See what others are saying about Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete >>>

Q. How long will it take to experience a difference while on the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete?

A. Most women commit to three to six months of EstroBal Complete. Usually, those who take the supplement for an extended period reap the benefits.

Q. What is the estimated arrival time on Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete shipments?

A. EstroBal Complete shipments to the continental United States will take five to seven business days. International locations will require upwards of 14 business days.

Q. Does a money-back guarantee protect the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete?

A. Yes, EstroBal Complete has been protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee. If this supplement fails to boost confidence in the first month of ingestion, customer support can be contacted for a full purchase price refund. This can only be applied to unused bottles, which will incur a restocking fee of $8 per bottle. For the specifics on the refund policy, the team can be reached by:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (617) 397 4005
  • Return Address: Dirty Girl Detox Returns, 534 S Chickasaw Trail Orlando, FL 32825

Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete Pricing

Purchase the Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete

Each EstroBal Complete bottle holds a month’s worth of servings. To help women save, the creators have landed on two options i.e.: subscription or one-time purchases. Below is a breakdown of the prices under both plans:

  • 1 Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete bottle: $63 each (subscription: $54 each)
  • 3 Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete bottles: $53 each (subscription: $46 each)
  • 6 Dirty Girl EstroBal Complete bottles: $44.90 each (subscription: $41 each)

Place your order right here for the best prices available!

About Dirty Girl

Physicians and functional medicine experts founded the Dirty Girl Brand, Dr. Wendie Trubow, and Dr. Ed Levitan. The pair has 35 years of combined expertise, and their first functional medicine practice became a nationwide hit. They’re well-known for online programs such as Eat Your Way to Health and Detox Your Life. Dirty Girl was a book in which Dr. Wendy took readers on her personal journey to becoming toxin-free.

She and her husband laid the groundwork for treating numerous health issues through the power of detoxification education and support. The latter appears to have been adapted into a health brand, with EstroBal Complete being one of several supplements currently available.

As Dr. Trubow is known for saying, “There are so many different challenges in a woman’s life – work, home, relationships, spirituality, health – and they all matter! But whether you’re 19 or 99, you are meant to be vibrant, healthy, and alive.” And this is the exact motto that drives the entirety of Dirty Girl.

Concluding Remarks

Based on the above review, it should be evident that EstroBal Complete by Dirty Girl is an estrogen-focused supplement. When used as directed, women could expect a variety of menopausal and even menstrual symptoms to fade with time.

The key is eliminating metabolized estrogen from the body and maintaining a balance among existing metabolites. We quickly addressed the three types, one considered beneficial, while the other induced health risks. Again, the goal isn’t to fully eradicate the bad (since some bad turns out to be good) but to ensure that the good outnumbers the bad.

Per our findings, the selected ingredients perform exceptionally well in promoting estrogen production, metabolism, and balance. For more on EstroBal Complete and how it might improve women’s health, visit the official website by clicking here! >>>

Compare: MenoRescue (WellMe)

For product review questions or feedback, please contact [email protected]

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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