How To Lose Weight Over 40: How to Burn Fat After Forty Years Old for Men & Women

It is true that regular forms of exercise and a good diet may not be enough to make the cut and start losing weight once you hit 40 and beyond. However, it is also true that there are several things you can do to start burning those extra pounds – all that’s needed is a few extra efforts from your end.

So, where do you start? What do you do? How do you lose weight after 40? In the specifics of this article, we shall answer this question in detail, guiding you through the weight loss process over 40, and how to sustain the weight loss results you achieve.

So, let’s get started!

How To Lose Weight Over 40 – 11 Tips That Can Transform Your Weight Loss Journey

If you’re ready to take charge of your health and lose weight over 40, this article is for you. Here, we will explore 11 tips that can transform your weight loss journey and help you achieve the results you desire.

From adjusting your diet to incorporating exercise and practicing self-care, these strategies are designed to support your overall well-being and help you reach your weight loss goals.

So, let’s dive in and discover how you can successfully lose weight over 40.

Cut Back On Liquor

Every once in a while, a man hits a mid-life crisis where everything feels like it’s going downhill and there is no way up. This is when most men, especially those beyond 40, resort to consumption of alcohol beyond the limits of moderation.

However, alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of weight gain.

Yes, that’s right! Even if you still retain the capacity of chugging down one beer pint after another, your metabolism isn’t fast enough to be able to filter all of this liquor effectively.

Have you heard of the term “beer bellies?” Although it may not be caused by consuming your favorite beer, a “spare tire” around the midsection is certainly contributed to liquor, especially in men over 40 who drink on a daily basis.

Alcohol stops your body from burning fat, further slowing down your already-sluggish metabolism, it’s high in calories (a glass of wine has about 150 calories), and it makes you hungry, especially for salty and greasy foods which only aid weight gain.

Thus, it is ideal to limit your alcohol consumption to a few days a month. You can enroll in rehab if you are struggling with alcohol addiction. It is also helpful to practice meditation and stress-relieving techniques to be able to eradicate alcohol as a form of escape from stress and daily-life frustration.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Skipping breakfast leads to mid-day cravings. Thus, the best way to deal with this is to never skip breakfast. It has also been shown in several research studies that morning meals can fuel your metabolism, helping your body burn fat throughout the day.

The best way to go about breakfast is to eat a nutritious and healthy meal such as oatmeal or fruit with toast. Try to avoid greasy foods in the breakfast and stick with nuts and grains.

Additionally, if you feel hungry often, break down your meals into several portions, munching on small snacks throughout the day with a break of a few hours. This can help keep your appetite in check.

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We also recommend ratcheting things up in the gym or at home if following a nutrition regimen alone is not helping you out enough.

To start off, you can jump into HIIT. Although it looks and sounds overhyped, this cardio exercise is great to help improve insulin sensitivity, manage blood sugar, amp up energy levels, and even suppress your appetite.

It is one of the best forms of exercise to burn off calories in a short interval of time while also improving your body’s strength and resistance.

Eat Less at Night

If you are a person who does not do a lot of physical activities after your dinner, it is recommended to eat less at night.

No, you do not need to skip your whole dinner!

The reasoning behind eating less at night is to allow your body to effectively burn the calories without having to put much effort into the process. If you eat more than what you can burn off at night before you go to sleep, it may lead to weight gain.

Thus, you can go two ways about this. You can either do some physical; activities in the night after dinner. Simple low-impact activities such as walking count as well. Or, you can eat less before you go to bed. One thing to keep in mind is that it is still crucial to be mindful of what you eat which is more important than when you eat.

So stick to a healthy and nutritious dinner and try to avoid carbs, if possible.

Lay Off Soda and Other Artificially Sweetened Beverages

100 gram of a carbonated drink contains as much as 41 calories. On top of this, the artificial sweeteners added to soft drinks and other aerated beverages are nothing but detrimental to health.

Thus, the best way to start losing weight and keep it off for good is to avoid soda and artificially-sweetened beverages altogether.

We won’t advise you to drink water as an alternative to the same, because it is not an alternative, yes!

However, you can try juicing fruits and incorporating them into your breakfast. This is a more preferable option over canned and bottled juices that may contain sweeteners and fillers, making them high in calories.

If you do not have the time to make your own juice, it is ideal to go for cold-pressed juices such as cold-pressed orange, beetroot, litchi, or mango juice – the choice is yours!

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Have Your Thyroid Checked

If you are doing everything by the book and still can’t lose weight, or if you do lose weight but can’t sustain the results, your thyroid gland may not be functioning properly.

This is a common problem that often impacts Americans, especially women over the age of 60. Symptoms of a poorly-functioning thyroid gland also include fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, mental exhaustion, and even depression.

If any of these symptoms resonate with you, you should consult a healthcare professional, and get your thyroid checked. Thyroid medications can help in the case and if you get into an exercise and diet regimen while consuming medications, you might also be able to keep your weight off.

A Better Weight Management Diet

When we say “a better weight management diet”, we do not mean FAD diets. Sure some diets like the keto diet can be very helpful in weight management, but they are also difficult to follow.

And, all of us know it, if it’s difficult to follow, it’s not sustainable.

Thus, to keep the approach simple and be able to follow a healthy diet that falls in sync with your weight loss journey, keep frozen meals, salty and fried foods, and sugar-filled delectables off the table.

If you have familial or professional obligations or both, it is understandable that these options sound enticing, but you can always find nutritious and ready-to-go meal options online or at your supermarket.

Just make sure to read the label and ensure that it has all that you need for your good meal prep routine.

If you have the time to cook every day, that’s another brownie point you scored on your weight loss journey. If you choose to cook, ensure that you load up your meal with lean protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs.

If you feel hungry during the day, outside your meal time, you can keep healthy snacks within reach such as fresh fruits, nuts, sauteed veggies, yogurt, etc. in fact, we would recommend snacking on edibles filled with fiber which can fill you up almost instantly without craving for more.

Besides, they suppress appetite without pushing you out of your calorie intake limit required to burn off fat.

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Get Active Hobbies

Hobbies can make a lot of difference when you’re trying to lose weight after 40. In the bustle of our professional lives, we often forget to give some priority to our personal lives and hobbies.

You can turn this around, more so if you’re trying to lose weight, by taking up active hobbies such as swimming, dancing, playing tennis, pilates, water aerobics, etc.

If you have a little adventurer in you that has gotten lost on his way, you can start hiking too. Not only is it pleasurable but also invigorating to the mind and body.

The idea behind active hobbies and weight loss for people above 40 is to be able to lose weight and maintain athleticism while doing things they enjoy!

Get Up and Get Moving

Desk jobs, family obligations, and commutes often take up most of the free time a 40-something person has, be it a man or a woman. This is when a number of people transition into sedentary lifestyles, even those that once had a very athletic mindset.

Although this phase is inevitable, there are certain things you can do to get back in action. You don’t necessarily have to perform high-impact and high-intensity exercises at the gym for hours to be able to lose weight in your 40s.

Moderate, low-impact activities and penciling in at least 2 to 2.5 hours of time into your calendar for a workout is enough to start burning off those extra pounds.

Besides, replacing some sedentary activities with physical ones such as taking a brisk walk in the evening and taking up the backyard-cleaning work on Sundays, instead of hiring help for the same can also make a lot of difference in the long run.

It is important to understand that incorporating physical activities is not only a crucial facet for weight loss but also overall health. Research shows that those who follow a completely sedentary lifestyle are at a greater risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiobascular diseases, knee pain, osteoporosis, etc.

Thus, all we would say is – Get up and get moving!

Drink Plenty Of Water

Do you know how fat leaves your body? Don’t guess – it’s through sweat and urine, for the most part. This is why staying hydrated can help sustain your metabolism and help your body remove fat effectively and at a faster pace.

If you are a gym rat, it is all the more essential to keep yourself hydrated so you can sweat more for the fat to be able to leave the body.

Moreover, drinking more water means you will have the urge to eliminate more frequently and if you’ve already coupled your weight loss goals with a proper exercise regimen, it only gets easier for your body to eliminate fat through urine.

Stress Management And Breathing Exercises

Stress is one of the major causes of weight gain in people over 40. Thus, to help your brain and body steer clear of the same, you can try stress management techniques such as mindful eating, meditation, etc.

The minute things that you can do to keep yourself happy and stress-free also make a big difference in your weight loss journey.

So, go make yourself that hot cup of tea, soak in a warm bath with your favorite bath bombs, or maybe just watch that good movie you’ve kept saved up for the weekend – it matters and it makes a difference!

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What Are The Most Common Causes Of Weight Gain In Individuals Over 40?

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can have an impact on our weight. While weight gain can occur at any age, individuals over 40 tend to be more susceptible to it.

There are several common causes of weight gain in this age group, including genetics, hormonal imbalance, etc. Let’s delve into each of these causes in more detail.


If you have a family history of obesity or weight-related health issues, you may be genetically predisposed to gain weight more easily. Certain genes can affect how your body processes and stores fat, making it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight. While genetics alone do not determine our weight, they can influence our metabolism, appetite, and fat storage patterns.

It is essential to remember that genetics are not destiny. While you cannot change your genetic makeup, being aware of your predisposition can help you make informed choices about diet and exercise.

One way to gain insights into your genetics is through genetic testing. Advances in science have made it possible to analyze specific genes related to body composition, metabolism, and weight regulation.

By examining variations in these genes, genetic testing can provide valuable information about how your body responds to different types of food, exercise, and lifestyle factors.

Hormonal Imbalance

As we age, our bodies go through various changes, and one of the most common changes is hormonal imbalance. This is particularly prevalent in women going through menopause, but it can affect both men and women at different stages of life. Hormonal fluctuations, especially in estrogen and progesterone levels, can have a significant impact on our bodies, including weight gain.

One of the primary effects of hormonal imbalance is weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. This can be frustrating for many individuals who find it challenging to shed those extra pounds despite their efforts. Understanding how hormonal changes affect weight can help individuals better manage their health and well-being.

Hormonal imbalance can slow down the metabolism, making it harder for the body to burn calories efficiently. This means that even with a healthy diet and regular exercise, weight loss may be more difficult to achieve. The body’s ability to process and utilize nutrients can be affected, leading to weight gain and difficulty in maintaining a healthy weight.

In addition to a slower metabolism, hormonal imbalance can also increase appetite and cravings for sugary and fatty foods.

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Stress is a prevalent factor in weight gain, and as we age, we often encounter more stressors related to work, family, and personal obligations. When we’re stressed, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can increase appetite and promote the storage of fat, particularly in the abdominal area.

Moreover, stress can lead to emotional eating and reliance on unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as comfort foods.

Sedentary Lifestyle

As we grow older, the demands of work and family life can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle. Office jobs, long commutes, and increased responsibilities can limit the time available for physical activity. A lack of regular exercise can slow down metabolism, decrease muscle mass, and result in weight gain.

Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle often accompanies increased snacking and consuming calorie-dense foods. Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, such as walking, jogging, or joining fitness classes, can combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Poor Lifestyle Choices

Over time, poor lifestyle choices, such as a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, can contribute to weight gain. As we age, our metabolism naturally slows down, making it easier to gain weight if we don’t make an effort to maintain an active lifestyle. Additionally, factors like excessive stress, inadequate sleep, and unhealthy habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to weight gain.

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Environmental Factors

When it comes to weight gain, many people tend to focus solely on individual behaviors such as diet and exercise. However, it is important to recognize that environmental factors also play a significant role in shaping our health and well-being.

An obesogenic environment refers to a setting that promotes unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. It is characterized by various factors that make it easier for individuals to consume excessive calories and engage in minimal physical activity.

One key factor is the easy access to processed foods. In today’s society, processed and convenience foods have become increasingly prevalent and readily available. These foods are often high in calories, unhealthy fats, added sugars, and sodium, making them highly addictive and contributing to weight gain.

In contrast, the availability of fresh and healthy food options may be limited in an obesogenic environment. This can be due to factors such as food deserts, which are areas where there is a lack of grocery stores or farmers’ markets selling fresh produce.

Instead, individuals may rely on fast food restaurants and convenience stores that offer predominantly unhealthy food choices. The lack of access to fresh and nutritious foods makes it challenging for individuals to maintain a healthy diet, leading to weight gain and related health issues.

Poor Eating Choices

Dietary choices have a significant impact on weight gain, especially as we age. Additionally, portion sizes and eating habits can also contribute to weight gain.

As we age, our bodies may require fewer calories, but if we don’t adjust our eating habits accordingly, it can lead to excess weight.

Added sugars, commonly found in sugary beverages, desserts, and processed snacks, contribute to weight gain by providing empty calories. These calories are quickly absorbed by the body, causing spikes in blood sugar levels and leading to cravings for more sugary foods.

Unhealthy fats, such as saturated and trans fats, can be found in fried foods, fast food, and commercially baked goods. These fats can increase the risk of heart disease and contribute to weight gain. They are often high in calories and take longer to digest, leading to feelings of heaviness and lethargy.


It is a common belief that once you hit the big “4-0”, everything starts falling apart. It is true that, for a man, a lot of things start going downhill, like your supercharged metabolism, testosterone levels, energy levels, etc., however, it does not mean that things have to fall apart.

It also does not mean that you can not lose the weight that you have started to put on abruptly as you slowly tread toward the ‘40’ mark.

With the methods enlisted above, you can start to lose weight and reduce the fat accumulated in your body without having to go through invasive procedures.

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Also Read: How Does Fat Leave Your Body When You Lose Weight?

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